Antique cars and trucks add to the railway history at the Freeman Station - thanks Alan.

By Staff

June 13th, 2022



If there is an event taking place at the Freeman Station – expect to see Alan Harrington somewhere on the site.

Last weekend there was a collection of antique trucks and cars on display that Harrington photographed and sent tot he Gazette.

The Friends of Freeman Station in Burlington held an open house on Saturday bringing many first time visitors to the site.

A Vette, a bug and a tenderly restored pick up truck

The attraction this time was “classic old cars & trucks” – the kind used to bring people and cargo to and from the station.

About a dozen machines in attendance including: a 1950 black Cadillac, 1962 white Corvette and an 1970s Volkswagen Beetle.

Later in the day the 1937 Studebaker Burlington Fire Engine #4 arrived and kids were able to climb in and ring the bell.

This antique fire truck gets almost as much attention in Burlington as the Teen Tour Band.

The weather was expected to be gloomy but turned out perfect.

The station will be open again on Friday July 1 2022 to celebrate Canada Day.

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