By Pepper Parr
July 28th, 2023
Is this scene something that we will see in Burlington? Anywhere within the Region for that matter.
We have the forests, we have been getting more than enough rain – but is there a plan in place to fight a fire in the event that lightning strikes and flames start?
Fire departments are local matters – there are agreements in place for the fire departments to support each other.
Has the Burlington fire department have a plan to get to and extinguish a fire should one start in the Escarpment where all that lush forest we have exists.
Is there a group at the Region looking at a plan should a fire start?
Are there communities that now need to begin thinking what they would do should there be a fire that gets out of control.
Saying that can’t happen here is the equivalent to burying your head in the sane.
This is the time to be asking the questions and hopefully hearing that there are plans and then getting some
The Regional government always publishes detailed instructions to the public when there are West Nile reports; they do the same with excessive heat warnings.
This might be an occasion to think about how the public is going to be informed about the changes that have to be made given the new environment we have to deal with.
It is going to be with us for decades.
Living in the Escarpment I am always very worried about wildfires, especially when I watch driver throw cigarette buts out the window into the trees. Country road drivers are totally oblivious to the dangers their carelessness can lead to.
In the 2014 Mayoral debate Anne brought up the inadequacy of the Region Disaster Plan and the lack of practice exercises. Chair Carr who was also a participant, at his first opportunity to speak at the debate attacked the veracity of her statements and the situation regarding Disaster Planning that should have at that time included forest fire planning has not as far as we are aware changed.
Both of us played a major role in the Hamilton Disaster Planning exercises during our careers at McMaster Medical Centre. Anne was the administrative support for the MUMC Disaster Planning Committee.
We both commend you for bringing this issue forward and offer any assistance you need in following up with the appropriate parties that include our MPPs and MPs in Halton in ensuring all hands are on deck to minimize what is called an Act of God when lightning strikes our luscious tree canopy.
Look at how many thousands were affected yesterday when a tree was uprooted. A lightning strike on our luscious, beautiful forest areas is far more effective in causing tragedy and far quicker including death, tragedy and affecting health of everyone in the Region than any amount of worrisome developer plans for these areas that see lots of us raising our objections.
‘Where is and what is the well exercised plan to deal with lightning striking our forests” needs to be on every Halton resident’s lips. We in Canada got caught short by Disaster Planning for Covid that had been in place and we knew was coming. Let us all heed that warning and demand the appropriate assurances that all is in place and well exercised when that lightning strikes as it has since time began.