Audio visual used to web cast Council meetings has always been a problem.

By Pepper Parr

February 6th, 2024



The service the city used to record Council meetings has never worked particularly well.

With the new approach – every Meeting is a Committee of the Whole (CoW) meeting – except for Council meetings where recommendations are made final and bylaws passed.

With the CoW approach each of the former Standing Committees is held within the format of a CoW.

With this format the A/V people have to “reset” the room which when you watch it taking place is almost comical.

Rather than look a little silly the Chair, that being the Mayor, calls for a 10 minute break while the audio visual people do what they can with what they have.

The issue is not the A/V staff.  They do their best with what they have.

The issue is, partly, the format the Mayor has chosen and the software the A/V people have to work with.

As we were setting up this morning prepare to watch the web cast and use our recording software, the following appeared on the screen.

Councillor Stolte had to be at City Hal bright and early to work with the A/V staff to male the software work properly.

We at least know that the A/V people are doing their best to make do with what they have.

We would love to tell you more about what the problems are but the Communications people won’t let us talk to the A/V team.

Only in Burlington.

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