By Pepper Parr
November 19th, 2023
Ward 6 Councillor Angelo Bentivegna submitted the following Motions to change the Budget Mayor Meed Ward presented to Council in October.
Motion for Council to Consider:
Remove item # 2024-037 Planning Development Services Organization Design including the one-time funding of $100,000 from the 2024 budget.
The Provincial Government has not finalized the responsibility roles currently of Conservation Halton nor that of Halton Regions. The transition plan has not been outlined and there is no clear timeline moving forward.
Approved as per form by the City Clerk,
Reviewed by the City Manager – In accordance with the Code of Good Governance, Council-Staff Relations Policy and an assessment of the internal capacity within the City to complete the work based on a specific target date (quarter/year).
City Clerk: none
City Manager: none
Motion for Council to Consider:
Remove the Planner 2 position (Targeted Realignment of Burlington’s Official Plan # 2024-033) from the 2024 budget resulting in a reduction of $130,906 and continue to retain this position as over-complement on a contract basis.
Planner 2 position area of responsibility is focused on area specific planning work for the city’s primary growth areas around our three Major Transit Go Stations. We have continuously discussed that developers have been reluctant to put shovels in the ground due to poor condo high-rise sales. Economists are predicting that these trends will continue in 2024.
Approved as per form by the City Clerk,
Reviewed by the City Manager – In accordance with the Code of Good Governance, Council-Staff Relations Policy and an assessment of the internal capacity within the City to complete the work based on a specific target date (quarter/year).
City Clerk: none
City Manager: none
Motion for Council to Consider:
Reduce the Burlington Lands Partnership item (# 2024-035) from $450,000 to $225,000 in the 2024 budget. Request that $225,000 of the $238,000 of net savings identified in Transit from additional budgeted fare and shelter advertising revenues less increased diesel expenses be applied to support BLP.
Council has been supported of BLP and it’s progress these past few years. It is anticipated that these activities will continue to progress in the future. Without having a continuous source for funding, BLP programs will not be able to fulfill the goals it was intended to accomplish. We will need to make some difficult decisions and look for opportunities to re-distribute funding resources that will advance our future needs.
Approved as per form by the City Clerk,
Reviewed by the City Manager – In accordance with the Code of Good Governance, Council-Staff Relations Policy and an assessment of the internal capacity within the City to complete the work based on a specific target date (quarter/year).
City Clerk: none
City Manager: none
Motion for Council to Consider:
Reduce the Bateman Phase 1 Operating costs of $512,000 to $256,000 in the 2024 budget resulting in a reduction of $256,000.
Bateman’s target Phase 1 opening (UoB) is slated for September 2024. I’m unclear why
$512,000 will be needed for operations in 2024 knowing that only Brock University will be the tenant. Therefore, I am suggestion that conservatively 50% of the operating funding cost be removed.
Approved as per form by the City Clerk,
Reviewed by the City Manager – In accordance with the Code of Good Governance, Council-Staff Relations Policy and an assessment of the internal capacity within the City to complete the work based on a specific target date (quarter/year).
City Clerk: none
City Manager: none
Motion for Council to Consider:
Remove the 1 By-law Licensing Clerk position (2024-027) from the 2024 budget resulting in a reduction of $92,940.
2023 Budget was set up to stabilize operations by centralizing service department for bylaw matters. Additionally, to implement Customer Service Management and an Administrative Penalty System. The APS progress will be reported in 2024. Once implemented this initiative will allow staff to collect violations funds quicker, adding a main revenue source for the department. Business licensing is another area of revenue for this department. Various business data is available from numerous agencies to ensure that business who are required be licensed to operate are actually paying their fair share. Presently only about 1100 business are registered and a number of them have not paid for their license to operate. Collecting the funds outstanding would reduce the dependency to raise taxes.
Reviewed by the City Manager – In accordance with the Code of Good Governance, Council-Staff Relations Policy and an assessment of the internal capacity within the City to complete the work based on a specific target date (quarter/year).
City Clerk: none
City Manager: none
Motion for Council to Consider:
Remove the One Brand project (#2024-039) including the one-time funding of $150,000 from the 2024 budget and request that staff complete the project using existing internal resources, citizen advisory committees and other stakeholders.
The “One Brand” story was created in 2002. Since then, much has changed. Having said that, our city is going through the biggest change that we at the present time due to changes downloaded from the federal and provincial governments. Other than knowing our growth targets at the present times, there are numerous uncertainties. As mentioned previously in committee workshop, perhaps we need to engage with citizens, businesses, and other stakeholders first to determine what their thoughts on what Burlington should and will become.
Approved as per form by the City Clerk,
Reviewed by the City Manager – In accordance with the Code of Good Governance, Council-Staff Relations Policy and an assessment of the internal capacity within the City to complete the work based on a specific target date (quarter/year).
City Clerk: none City Manager: none
Motion for Council to Consider:
Remove Performance Management Phase 1 (#2024-038) including the one-time funding of $100,000 from the 2024 budget.
The Financial needs Multiyear Forecast Binder ( Pg 117) says.
“Phase 1 is intended to include non-union staff training, system configuration, that will result in implementing individual goal setting, tied to the strategic Plan, Department Workplans, and individual targets.”.
My concern is what is the timetable for phase 1. What is expected in phase 2 and at what cost?
Approved as per form by the City Clerk,
Reviewed by the City Manager – In accordance with the Code of Good Governance, Council-Staff Relations Policy and an assessment of the internal capacity within the City to complete the work based on a specific target date (quarter/year).
City Clerk: none
City Manager: none
Motion for Council to Consider:
Remove the business case for Winter Maintenance – School Crosswalks (#2024-020) from the 2024 budget resulting in a reduction of $88,000.
Sidewalks are presently cleared in and around school crossing areas. Trying to coordinate school bell times with clearing school walks can be a scheduling nightmare. I have not heard a single complaint from any resident in Ward 6 since I’ve been a Councillor. This appears to me that these school cross walks will be cleared twice….once at school bell times, and again when the regular sidewalk plow drives by to clear the same sidewalk up the street. This is a “Nice to Have”
Approved as per form by the City Clerk,
Reviewed by the City Manager – In accordance with the Code of Good Governance, Council-Staff Relations Policy and an assessment of the internal capacity within the City to complete the work based on a specific target date (quarter/year).
City Clerk: none
City Manager: none
Motion for Council to Consider:
Reduce Skyway Arena Operating Costs from $ 646,000 to $ 215,332 for the 2024 Budget to reflect four (4) months operating costs vs twelve (12).
Skyway will not be open until the Fall of 2025 (September?)
The reduction amount was calculated by removing the funding allocation from January to August. The annual $646,000 amount allocated for operations and divided by 12 months equaling $53,833 to operate per month. Using September 2024 anticipated opening the amount for four (4) months amounts to $269,167.
Approved as per form by the City Clerk,
Reviewed by the City Manager – In accordance with the Code of Good Governance, Council-Staff Relations Policy and an assessment of the internal capacity within the City to complete the work based on a specific target date (quarter/year).
City Clerk: one
City Manager: none
Motion for Council to Consider:
Approve the Transportation Planning Staff (#2024-023) to be funded from Planning Application fees but defer the hiring of these positions until Planning Application volumes and associated revenues have recovered from current levels.
Concerns about fee funded options, subject to bounce back of planning application moving forward. Concerns that if there is not enough activity development-wise- funding will need to come from Reserves.
Approved as per form by the City Clerk,
Reviewed by the City Manager – In accordance with the Code of Good Governance, Council-Staff Relations Policy and an assessment of the internal capacity within the City to complete the work based on a specific target date (quarter/year).
City Clerk: none
City Manager: none
Motion for Council to Consider:
Remove Urban Forestry Service Adjustment (# 2024-021) from the 2024 budget resulting in a reduction of $120,000.
This budget item ask is to cover operational expenses due to insufficient funding in the base budget to maintain a 7-year cycle for preventive tree maintenance as per approved level of service.
Do we need to have a discussion about investigating new criteria or service levels in the future. Do all areas of the city need a 7-year cycle. Some city areas have less trees and are less dense than others.
Approved as per form by the City Clerk,
Reviewed by the City Manager – In accordance with the Code of Good Governance, Council-Staff Relations Policy and an assessment of the internal capacity within the City to complete the work based on a specific target date (quarter/year).
City Clerk: none
City Manager: none
Motion for Council to Consider:
Remove Vision 2050 project (2024-040) including the one-time funding of $150,000 from the 2024 budget and request that staff complete the project using existing internal resources, citizen advisory committees and other stakeholders.
Council has set the vision and there has been some shared uncertainty on this topic.
In a previous amendment I removed “One Brand” from the 2024 budget stating that we would be better served at this time by engaging with residents, businesses and other stakeholders. I believe the same is true with respect to “Vision 2050”
Approved as per form by the City Clerk,
Reviewed by the City Manager – In accordance with the Code of Good Governance, Council-Staff Relations Policy and an assessment of the internal capacity within the City to complete the work based on a specific target date (quarter/year).
City Clerk: none
City Manager: none
Motion for Council to Consider:
Remove item Winter Maintenance Expanded Parking Lots (#2024-042) from the 2024 budget resulting in a reduction of $75,000.
These parking lots have not been cleared previously. They are not adjacent to recreation facilities, nor are they a short cut for students going to school. Have there been reports on risks occurring. Do we need more city trucks on the roads. This is a “Nice to Have”
Approved as per form by the City Clerk,
Reviewed by the City Manager – In accordance with the Code of Good Governance, Council-Staff Relations Policy and an assessment of the internal capacity within the City to complete the work based on a specific target date (quarter/year).
City Clerk: none
City Manager: none
Motion for Council to Consider:
Reduce the total 2024 inflationary impacts identified in the 2024 budget from
$2,784,000 to $1,464,000 resulting in a reduction of $1,320,000.
Although overall inflation for September was 3.8% the economists are predicting continued lower inflation for 2024 and possible recession. I am not aware what dollar values are of each contract assigned. What is the inflation value percentage-wise for each individual contract. Why was there an inflation factor negotiated?
Approved as per form by the City Clerk,
Reviewed by the City Manager – In accordance with the Code of Good Governance, Council-Staff Relations Policy and an assessment of the internal capacity within the City to complete the work based on a specific target date (quarter/year).
City Clerk: none
City Manager: none
Motion for Council to Consider:
Remove the Manager of Housing Strategy position (Community Planning Housing Initiative #2024-028) from the 2024 budget resulting in a reduction of $172,414.
Currently housing strategy discussions to date have been complex due to continuous legislated changes at the Provincial level. Developers have experienced financial pressures with interest hikes and softening of condo sales. These pressures are ongoing and will limit the opportunities to implement and administer without a clear understanding and direction of the province with respect to their role in legislation and available funding to Municipalities. I also would add that this Council has committed to create to a new citizen, stakeholders and Councillor lead committee to create a strategy that is a made in Burlington Housing Strategy. This Budget request position is premature currently.
Approved as per form by the City Clerk,
Reviewed by the City Manager – In accordance with the Code of Good Governance, Council-Staff Relations Policy and an assessment of the internal capacity within the City to complete the work based on a specific target date (quarter/year).
City Clerk: none
City Manager: none
Motion for Council to Consider:
Reduce the Permit and Application Streamlining business case (#2024-036) by 50% to
$1,140,000 and reduce the one-time funding accordingly in the 2024 budget.
Reduce the use of “one-time funding” to begin implementation of program. Operationally this project will eventually enhance the organization ability to improve numerous aspects of our services, optimize workflow, and create efficiencies to achieve fee funding through accelerated permitting. This project should also see efficiencies that translate to a reduction in HR. These strategic initiatives cross all departments and effectively eliminate overlaps.
Approved as per form by the City Clerk,
Reviewed by the City Manager – In accordance with the Code of Good Governance, Council-Staff Relations Policy and an assessment of the internal capacity within the City to complete the work based on a specific target date (quarter/year).
City Clerk: none
City Manager: none
Is it time for a social revolution in Canada? Could happen. Big “all knowing” government at all levels is your enemy even if you don’t know it or see it yet.
Angelo loves to pretend the world is not spinning. He advocates that we spend nothing and expect everything. He is safe to put this forward on Council, because no one on Council in their right mind believes we should leave current and prospective new residents behind by makiing this enclave unaffordable and unattainable, regardless of what the above homeowners want. There are always items to debate. But be real. Angelo is definitely not…a true leader.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion – so well expressed, twice 😉
But you “be real” please. What do you expect from me – an old ‘baby boomer’, a member of the cadre that is the cause of all the current woes.
Yes…you are. And continue to be. Unless you realize it is expensive to live in one of the best, and growing cities in the world. One that previous councils have refused to invest in…for politics. And one you resent for trying to keep pace with the cost of what is basically needed.
Hi Blair, sorry for multiple comments. Trying as a boomer to understand Peppers software.
I guess I expect from you the same as me, a ‘boomer’. Truth. This is no longer a small town. The fiscal pressures are real, not just political. Burlington is behind, not just because of past prudence, but because we are becoming an international destination, welcoming thousands of new residents.. It is changing. I would ask everyone to realize this, and stop pretending it is not. Those changes will cost this tax base. Whether they delegate or not.
Angelo loves to spend nothing on everything and pretend nothing changes. Previous to this Council, the incumbents were praised as heroes for 0% tax increases (Sharman among them). All they did was push to the future the cost of critical infrastrucure upgrade to all of us now. Now, on top of that, Doug Ford relieved developers of the cost of providing infrastructure (read: sewers, etc) to support their developments. Burlington residents now have to pay for that. But for Angelo, that doesnt compute. Then, we have an affordable housing imperative from Doug Ford. There are opportunities to make this happen, but the city has to be in a position to purchase the land to create this. Angelo says no.
It seems Angelo is popular for putting his head in the sand and allowing those who already own homes in this precous market to ensure no more are welcome, and the provincial mandates be damned, This works forAngelo. While reality shifts beneath his feet.
What century are you living in? You talk like nothing was done in this for decades. That this is all warranted. Not even close. Let’s build a Taj Mahal at city hall so we can bathe in the glory of the best most expensive city hall in the province and be on the best city in Canada to roost in.
Do you know how the $ spend at Burlington city hall compares to other municipalities? Someone needs to go in and rip this apart and get rid of all the excessive bloated management. Directors, supervisors, managers. Stuffed to the seams on taxpayer $.
And the Doug Ford nonsense. Take a look at the financials. 2.5% of revenue comes from developers. In part bc MMW has shut down development in this city. And now spinning it that we have to pay for all this service bc of this crash of development thats coming.
Let me guess, another proponent of building Burlington to the seams and your anti-nimby if you don’t. Bc we haven’t been building the city for the last 50 years. You want a 32% tax increase, enjoy it. I’ll be working my tail off to put this city right, and it doesn’t include 20 m in salaries so people can work 50% of the time off their couch
Hi Wendy,
Not sure where a 32% tax increase comes from? I am a realist. Council just slam ducted all growth initiatives, climate emergency initiatives, transit and road investment initiatives, including any hope of acquiring currently available and attainable land for affordable housing (read residents who can start small families) for you, to hold back current tax increase for 2024. Question for you and other NIMBYS is whether you can continue in future to afford to live in one of the best cities in the world. The ground is shifting. Talk to your financial advisor. And Good luck.
Thank you Angelo for this rare as a Dodo bird statement, “This is a “Nice to Have”.
Thank you Angelo – you are a true leader here and show not only do you actually listen to Burlington citizens but that you understand their burden and have empathy. As Jim says – “you get it”.
Councilor Bentivenga gets it.
Still the what to cut should be directed back to staff. Council shouldn’t be doing line item veto of stuff.
I agree that it should be staff who are directed what to cut. However, that takes a Mayor and a Council with the backbone to take a hard line against the staff who for far too long have been running the show in this City. Bureaucracies have ZERO incentive to reduce their own empires. Remember a little over a year ago when the first budget estimate was brought out and the Mayor let slip that “this was a wish list”? That told me that there was no real direction from the Mayor and Council to staff, no limits that the staff must work within, no line item analysis–hence, no real budgeting. It’s far too easy for departments to simply take last year’s number and add a percentage for the new year; unfortunately, the public can no longer afford these egregious increases.