Bigger city, bigger budget, bigger challenges - maybe higher taxes as well

By Pepper Parr

October 30th, 2023



Burlington is a City that now has well over 175,000 people with another 50,000 that will be here by 2031 if the high rise towers get built.

The City signed a pledge to do its part in getting 29,000 people into new housing by 2031.

It is now up to the developers to get shovels into the ground.

Running a city today is a lot different when the current City council was elected back in 2018.

Two graphics set out the size of the City and the services it provides.

Administering a city the size of Burlington is no small matter.



The City uses the word “investment” to describe the cost of providing a service. Communications does its best to put the best possible spin on how money is spent. It was an expense.


Where does the money come from?  Some of it is funded by debt.  Burlington’s Finance department has done a superb job of using debt responsibility – there are a few exceptions.


There is a story behind that jump above the12.5% level that is policy: a good story.

The data and the comments we are working with come from the Financial Needs report that goes to Council today.

The Financial Needs report is more than 750 pages in length. The data is certainly available to Council members – whether they actually read it all – it a question some people. Mayor Meed Ward claims she will have read every line before she submits how own budget.

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