Book of Condolences exists for people to sign at City Hall.

By Staff

September 12th, 2022



Throughout the United Kingdom citizens are signing a Book of Condolences.

Premier signing the Book of Condolences at Queen’s Park

In Canadian provinces a Book of Condolences are also being signed.

There is a Book of Condolences at Burlington City Hall that you can sign.

The City has not announced the existence of the Book of Condolences.

Many people think City Hall is closed.

It is open and the Book of Condolences is set out close to the Security Officer’s desk.

Candidate for Mayor Anne Marsden wrote the City Clerk pointing out that:

With the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the  accession of King Charles III proclaimed in Canada should there not be a Special Council Meeting held before the 3:30 Audit Committee so that members of council can make their oath of allegiance to the new monarch before proceeding with any public decisions  that involve elected members of Council.   No decisions can be made after election day until such oath of allegiance is made.   With the death of Her Majesty and our King proclaimed surely no public council member decisions can be made until that new oath of allegiance is made?

The City Clerk responded:

Please note that section 232 of the Municipal Act is what establishes the Oath of office.  As highlighted below it states that the declaration is in the version of the form established by the Minister for that purpose. Minster of Municipal Affairs and Housing. I am not aware of any changes to that form, we do have a request into the Ministry for an update. However in the absence of a new form, the current oath would suffice.

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