Burlington Green looking for input on the shaping of their next five year Strategic Plan

By Staff

July 19th, 2023



Burlington Green has had a significant and important impact during the past 15 years.

A rendering of what the tower part of the Pier was to look like with the wind turbine. .

Pressures from growth, climate change impacts, biodiversity loss, and more, all require immediate and effective ACTION. A greener future needs a plan, a dedicated focus, leadership, and of course, contributions from everyone.

The development of their next 5-year strategic plan (2024-2028) is underway and they are inviting people to share their views to help the organization be a more effective organization. They would like you to help shape their future focus.

About the survey:
– It should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete, depending on your responses.

– The survey is anonymous and is accessible to anyone who would like to complete and submit it.
– Optional: All Halton residents that submit a survey may be entered into a draw for a chance to win a BG Eco-Prize Pack, that we will deliver to you (in Halton). After completing the survey, a link will be provided for you to share your contact information, so your survey feedback remains anonymous.

This is important – Burlington Green has standing in the community – they are respected is as an organization. The Gazette would like to see them holding the decision makers accountable. The leadership pride themselves on being non-partisan but are often on the timid side when it comes to hold special interests accountable.

Burlington Green has a very strong following – they turn out for the Annual Clean Up – Green Up event – which is important. Right now Climate Change is the most important issue.

In the 12 years I have been following the organization I have yet to hear them say a word about what the development community has done to the city.
Burlington Green personifies the Burlington trait of being polite. Ruffling feathers is not part of what they do.

The original plan was to build the tower and put a wind turbine on the top. Without the turbine – there was no need for the tower – which would have saved close to a million dollars. What the public has now is a tower that with lights that can be programmed.

When the pier was being built – it was supposed to have a small windmill on the top of the tower that would create energy to power the lights. The only reason the tower part of the Pier was built was to have the windmill. I recall so clearly the conversation Amy had with the Mayor at the time. He offered to put up some solar panels that would generate the power.

Burlington Green Executive Director Amy Schnurr

That never happened. It would have been so very useful had Amy expressed her disappointment.

Hearing her say: “Your Worship, I am truly disappointed that you have not understood the point we are trying to make.” That would have been enough – when they know they are going to be called to account – the decision makers tend to make better decisions.

Keep that in mind when you are doing the survey – You can access it HERE


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