By Staff
August 23, 2014
They figured it out.
The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), has looked at the nominations posted for various city council seats and come to the conclusion that Rick Goldring, current Mayor of Burlington is going to be acclaimed and elected him to the AMO Board of Directors, Large Urban Caucus.
As a member of the Board Goldring will help set policy for the Association and serve as a key municipal leader in the Province.
AMO President, Gary McNamara explained that the association’s key advocacy priorities are focused on achieving fiscal sustainability for municipal governments, advancing federal, provincial partnerships for infrastructure and strengthening municipal legislative authority to advance local economic prosperity and environmental sustainability.
AMO is a non-profit organization representing almost all of Ontario’s 444 municipal governments. AMO supports strong and effective municipal government in Ontario and promotes the value of municipal government as a vital and essential component of Ontario and Canada’s political system.
So, because AMO thinks that Goldring is destined to be acclaimed, he gets a seat on the board; so? A bit of an early announcement, no? We still have until September 12 to see if this mayor will be acclaimed, so why the promotion now?
Does anybody remember when Goldring announced that the new IKEA site was going to go to construction in 2013; shovel in the ground were his words or words to that effect? Remember that? How does somebody who thinks they know how things work, screw up that big file? That story is not over yet.
How about his last 8 years at the city horseshoe and the PIER fiasco. His name is all over the shortened and delayed pier construction. How about letting the dumping of fill go on at the airport. How about the handling of the waterfront issues. How does a guy who has yet to deliver a solid success get this kind of profile?
The Regional government thinks Burlington and the leadership in Burlington is a joke; that is all over the street; a regional joke of sorts; Gary Carr can’t stand the leadership in Burlington.
Here is the best one: how about Goldring’s claim regarding the property tax increases over his term; his math was wrong on that.
Goldring is full of hot air. He talks about economic prosperity, but that’s all; he simply talks. All talk and no action.
AMO is another all talk no action committee perfectly suited to a guy like Goldring. Goldring loves and is suited for this kind of stuff. But, he has yet to be acclaimed, and has yet to show what exactly he has accomplished in his last 8 years of representation.
Goldring is all talk, no action; AMO is perfect for a guy like this.