By Pepper Parr
October 11th, 2023
If you are at all concerned with what is going to happen with the Quarry – be prepared to be patient – very very patient.
At an Ontario Land Tribunal this morning we heard that the lawyers were talking about a 60 – yes 60 day hearing.
One wanted to set a date now so that people could block out the dates.
And if what we heard today is any example – it is going to be bloody.
The lawyer representing Nelson Aggregates it one tough cookie and knows how to work the rules.
The Member (which is the title that the OLT person hearing the arguments and making the final decision is given) could have been a little stronger in the way he handled the lawyers. Some of the back and forth was almost as good as a decent boxing match.
The City had a Notice of Motion that it expected to have heard today – but a technicality got in the way and the hearing of that Motion got moved back to March 7th.
We have in our legal experience over the last 40 years seen time bought by technicality delays. Who knows what the situation will be after 5 months of the Heritage, Infrastructure Cultural Policy deliberations on Halton tier1 and 2 future. The city has refused to discuss in public their ideas on Oakville’s position that the Region has no effective purpose at this time and refused our September 26 public request from the lectern to send back to Committe to allow delegations on the matter with the change from facilitators to Legislative Co mitten review. Silence is not always golden as the world has discovered too many times in its history.