Burlington MP Karina Gould has yet to comment on the federal budget - why?

By Pepper Parr

April 17th, 2024


Karina Gould released her budget statement later in the day.

Link to that statement is HERE

When a major federal government decision is made every MP sends out a newsletter to the people on their email list.

Oakville North Burlington MP Pam Damof

Yesterday, Oakville Burlington North MP Pam Damof sent out the following:

This is our plan to make Canada fair for every generation. One where younger Canadians can get ahead, where young families can find an affordable place to call home; where seniors can age with dignity – where everyone can succeed.

Karina Gould with her second child. She is currently on maternity leave.

Nothing so far from Burlington MP Karina Gould – and that is unusual.  This budget is critical for the Liberals who are in trouble and need to attract the voters that elected them in 2015 but didn’t vote for them in 2019.

Gould is a member of Cabinet and is expected to be at the front of the parade.  She is on maternity leave – but a budget is a big big deal, something you show up for or at least have your office send something out.

No word on why we have not heard from the Burlington Member of Parliament.

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2 comments to Burlington MP Karina Gould has yet to comment on the federal budget – why?

  • Ted Gamble

    Maybe Ms. Gould is as disappointed as many Canadians are at the incredible ability of her government to continue to tax and spend the country into the ground in their desperate pursuit of trying to be all things to all folk in order to hold power.

    If the BOC starts lowering the rate ahead of the FED it will demonstrate that these two are complicit. The dollar will continue to crash causing imports of food, manufactured goods , electronics etc. to rise further increasing the affordability crisis for ordinary Canadians. House prices most assuredly creep up.

  • Joe Gaetan

    Maybe because the budget is D.O.A and drives the country deeper in debt. Maybe because some of her fingerprints are on the foreign interference file. Maybe she like Freeland wanted the PM to back off on adding another $39.8 billion in debt. Maybe the timing is bad with gas going up 14 cents a litre tomorrow. Maybe heartanomics was a bad idea and budgets don’t actually budget themselves. Thats it for now.