By Staff
June 13th, 2020
If you happen to be on both highways 400 and 401 between June 14th and June 17th and you see a large number of Armed Forces vehicles – relax.
These are troops returning to Kingston from a training exercise at Camp Borden North West of Toronto close to Alliston.
![English/Anglais VL2011-0086-5 5 May 2011 Convoys from 2 Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment (2 R22R), set out to assist residents of the Montérégie region of Quebec who are struggling to cope with rising flood waters. Operation LOTUS(E) 1-11 is the Canadian Forces (CF) joint response led by Canada Command and conducted through Joint Task Force East (JTFE) to the floods in Montérégie, Québec. The domestic humanitarian relief mission incorporates Canadian Forces Army, Navy and Air Force assets to deliver much needed assistance to communities affected by these floods. In coordination with the Federal Government of Canada and the Provincial Government of Québec, approximately 500 members from the Land Domestic Task Force, based in Valcartier, along with approximately 100 reservists from the Territorial Battle Group, based in Montreal, are deployed in the affected areas. They are engaged in multiple tasks, including: protection of infrastructure by placing sandbags, assistance in the evacuation of people in the affected areas and the conduct of safety patrols. Photo: Cpl Kate Duggan, Imagery Section, Valcartier Garrison © 2011 DND-MDN Canada Français/French VL2011-0086-5 5 mai 2011 Les convois du 2e Bataillon du Royal 22e Régiment (2 R22R) partent pour aller soutenir les sinistrés de la région de la Montérégie, qui sont aux prises avec des inondations. Lopération LOTUS(E) 1-11 est lintervention interarmées des Forces canadiennes (FC) dirigée par le Commandement Canada et menée par lentremise de la Force opérationnelle interarmées (Est) à la suite des inondations en Montérégie, au Québec. La mission nationale daide humanitaire comprend des éléments de lArmée de terre, de la Marine et de la Force aérienne afin de fournir laide dont on grandement besoin les collectivités touchées par ces inondations. En collaboration avec le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement du Québec, quelque 550 membres de la Force opérationnelle terrestre, basée à Valcartier, et environ 1](
Canadian Armed Forces troop movements
Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members from Canadian Forces Joint Operational Support Group (CFJOSG) will conduct a road move, returning to their home unit at CFB Kingston, between June 14 and June 17.
While at CFB Borden, the team practiced opening a theatre of operations by building a tented camp during a pandemic environment. The camp is designed to house 250 people with all necessary real-life support capabilities.
The public is advised that vehicles will carry tentage, generators, ablutions, cots/furniture, and kitchens. The CAF is committed to creating and sustaining well-trained, well-equipped, and well-led units to meet a diversity of challenges in any environment around the world.
Drivers and pedestrians are asked to remain patient and show their support to the troops on the road as our soldiers make their way back to Kingston.
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