Citizen learns: Natalie Pierre is going to have something to say very soon

By Staff

August 11th, 2023



Public response to the stand the Premier has taken on the Auditor General’s report that slammed the Minister of Housing for the manner he handled the Greenbelt issue resulted in calls to local MPP Natalie Pierre.

Natalie Pierre speaking in the Legislature

Here is what the Gazette received:

Just called Natalie

Blasted very bluntly the poor sap who answered the phone. Told her to quote me to Natalie. Said her tweeting about ice cream doesn’t cut it I said it’s corrupt and Ford and Clark should resign. Said if Natalie had any integrity she’d resign too

Was told they would email me a response

They are going to have something to say very soon

Told them I didn’t want a form letter canned response sent by Ford’s minions.

If the election were to be called today there is every reason to believe Natalie Pierre would be re-elected. The Liberals don’t even have a candidate – the Party doesn’t yet have a leader.

There’s one vote the MPP isn’t going to get.

However, the Premier did a press event this morning – he stuck to his guns and it may have been enough to keep him in office.

We report on what the Premier had to say in a separate report.

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8 comments to Citizen learns: Natalie Pierre is going to have something to say very soon

  • Liam Fearg

    Natalie Pierre seems to have either gone underground or has been kidnapped. Not only is there no statement from her office but attempts to reach them get only voice messages.

    I have recently become very suspicious that the ‘real’ Natalie Pierre actually exists anymore. If you compare her campaign photo with the image of her rising in the Legislature, they hardly seem to be the same person. If you have seen the 1950’s horror classic, “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers” (or any of its numerous remakes), you may wonder whether a pod was delivered to Natalie’s Constit. Office and we are dealing with something quite alien. Regardless, I think that we’re dealing with a publicity shy, risk adverse, introvert that needs to come into the sunshine to represent her constituents.

  • Caren

    Any word yet from our MPP Natalie Pierre on this Green Belt corruption ?? It’s now August 15th and nothing?

  • J. Denis

    This one is going to stick like mud to Ford no show, soon to comment Burlington MP Pierre

  • L Scott Johnson

    Expect nothing more than a Dougie approved form letter response. I’ve received many as have my aquatensenses.

  • Helen Dufresne

    What a sell out!

  • Rick Law

    This Government is beyond corrupt. Our only hope is that criminal charges are laid.It appears that the poor sap in Clark’s office will be the “fall guy”.

  • Grahame

    As government employees say “This too shall pass” Especially when there are 3 years to go before next election.

    • Lynn Crosby

      If we the voters let blatant corruption pass, then we are to blame. None of us should accept this. Of course, look at Trump. When did our standards become so low?