Joint Statement from Mayor & Ward 3 Councillor:
City of Burlington to Oppose Nelson Quarry Expansion at Ontario Land Tribunal
Burlington, Ont. — Oct. 5, 2023 —
The City of Burlington will be opposing the proposed Nelson Quarry expansion, located at Mount Nemo. Council voted unanimously today to share our decision publicly to oppose the application at the appeal at the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).
Council has instructed our Executive Director of Legal Services and Corporation Counsel and retained legal counsel Rod Northey (Gowling WLG) and instructed them to attend the OLT on behalf of the City of Burlington to oppose the proposed Nelson Quarry expansion and all applications made by Nelson Aggregate Co. for that purpose in its appeal to the tribunal.
There are too many potentially negative impacts to the area, environment, wildlife, and community in the proposed expansion of the aggregate operation.
Halton Regional Council has also approved the Region of Halton to attend the OLT appeal hearing in objection to the Nelson Quarry expansion. A copy of the Region’s object letter is available here.
We would like to extend our deepest thanks to our community for their commitment and advocacy on this critically important matter to our community, as well as providing evidence-based reasoning as to why Council and the City should oppose this application at the OLT.
To learn more about the project and view supporting documents, please visit and