Commisso undergoes an hour long grilling over his performance - council decides to exercise the provisions of his contract

By Pepper Parr

July 12th, 2022



We reported earlier today that the Mayor had some “Urgent Business” on the Agenda which she wanted to revise.

After a bit of time on some procedural stuff Council did go into CLOSED SESSION, stayed there for a bit over and hour and came out with a motion that read:

Direct the executive director of human resources to execute on the performance clause in accordance with the city manager’s employment contract.

The public has never seen the contract – they are rarely made public.  It is clear now that there was a “performance clause”

Councillor Kearns was the first to comment on the motion saying:

Councillor Kearns was chosen as the person who would speak to the decision made on the Commisso contract.

“This motion is a strong signal, although it is contained within a contract. It’s a strong signal about accountability and responsiveness to deliver results for the constituents that we serve. We know that this happens from the very very top and the very, very top also sets culture and objectives and we’ve moved from a year to year to a four year to a much longer view.

“And the objectives that are set out with the city manager, you know, are very much tied to those. So what this reflects is us having the ability to carry out and execute on a section within his contract that is directly tied to performance and it is our role through our governance roles to make sure that we are asking for and having those deliverables met and also stretching out to performance development.

“So this really is something I’m quite proud to support as anyone who has been watching along we did have quite a long time have a very robust dialogue and all of that dialogue centered around how we can all together serve our constituents in the best way possible. So I am of course pleased to support this and I have it seconded by Councillor Sharman.”

There were no other speakers.  The Mayor added “we appreciate the work you do for us, Tim and subjecting yourself to a review like all others in the corporation have to go through is leadership by example. We had a thorough discussion, and we’re happy to have you.

A recorded vote was required – the decision to approve the motion was passed unanimously.

At the close of the meeting Tim spoke for a moment and said this assignment is the one he is most proud of in his municipal career.

There were clearly issues with at least some of what Commisso was getting done and what wasn’t getting done.

The Mayor was not exactly effusive with her comments.  As the seconder Sharman made no comment.

What was it that made this matter one of “Urgent Business” ?  Something.

We have some information but the source would be identified were we to publish.  The practice of keeping everything under wraps is never healthy – but that is the route this cancel is taking

Related news story:

Council agenda get revised to handle some Urgent Business

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