Conservation Halton wants a tighter communications link with citizens.

News 100 greenBy Staff

April 15th, 2021


Conservation Halton had an item in a recent newsletter that included the following notice:

Conservation Halton sign - angle

Administrative offices on Britannia Road

“Conservation Halton is looking for a better way to engage with residents about flood risks on their property and within their community and we’re hoping you can help. If you live in Burlington, Oakville, Milton or Halton Hills, please click here to complete a short survey. (It should only take five minutes of your time!):

A Gazette reader said: “Residents of south Burlington have been trying to impress upon the City the myriad water issues experienced in our community, and they’ve just heard numerous Millcroft residents express concerns about what will happen if the Argo development gets the green light. This is something that all Burlingtonians should be concerned about.”

CH Rivers and streamsEver since the 2014 flood Conservation Halton has upgraded the data gathering equipment they now – they are able to spot problems as they are developing and take appropriate action.

Their colour coded notices appear in the Gazette regularly.

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