Creating the electricty that will be needed.

By Staff

August 28th, 2024



The Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) 2024 Annual Planning Outlook forecasts that Ontario’s total electricity demand will increase by 60 per cent over the next 25 years. Continuing work to build a reliable, affordable and sustainable electricity system is critical to ensuring communities will flourish, businesses and industry have the confidence to invest, and the economy can decarbonize.

The IESO is taking a multi-pronged approach to meeting Ontario’s growing electricity needs and implementing the government’s Powering Ontario’s Growth plan. This includes competitively procuring new and existing resources; planning for future transmission infrastructure; delivering demand-side management programs; supporting innovation; and exploring other local solutions.

The IESO’s most recent Long-Term 1 Request for Proposals (LT1 RFP) – conducted along with other actions under the Resource Adequacy Framework – has successfully acquired the additional resources needed to meet Ontario’s electricity needs this decade.

There is a website at which you can watch in real time the amount of electricity that is being used.

We will get the link that lets you watch the consumption of electricity in real time

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