Doug Ford finally gets a break - Supreme Court says he can keep his screts

By Pepper Parr

February 2nd, 2024



Doug Ford finally gets a break.

His marching orders to his Cabinet members can be kept secret.

A relieved Premier – he doesn’t have to tell us what he told hid henchmen what they have to do.

Supreme Court ruled his ministers’ mandate letters do not have to be made public.

“The mandate letters are protected from disclosure … The letters are revealing of the substance of cabinet deliberations,” the high court ruled Friday in a unanimous decision” said the Supreme Court decision.

Ford’s Progressive Conservative government had spent years fighting the release of the 2018 documents that give ministers their marching orders.

“We’ve been pretty clear — the premier’s been pretty clear — those are captured by cabinet confidentiality and we haven’t wavered from that position,” Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy had told reporters earlier this week.

However, we do know what some of the mandates were – the Greenbelt scandal made that public.

There will be more.  The Ford government, or Ford Nation as Burlington MPP is calling the government these days.

While cabinet mandate letters have traditionally been kept private, former Liberal premier Kathleen Wynne abandoned that practice in 2014.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau followed suit when he took power federally the following year.


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