By Staff
August 23rd, 2023
Saturday, September 16 there will be a “Downtown Heritage Study” booth at the City’s annual Food for Feedback event, which takes place in Central Park from 12PM-4PM. City staff will be at this event to answer questions and accept feedback about the project.
Food for Feedback is a community engagement BBQ where City staff can get feedback from residents regarding projects, initiatives and programs at the City. Residents are welcome to attend this free drop-in and provide feedback in exchange for a free meal from one of the participating food trucks.
On Monday, October 2nd, staff and the consultant team will hold a final consultation event at the Art Gallery of Burlington in the Shoreline Room from 7PM-8:30PM. This event will be open to all residents and final recommendations for each study area will be shared at this meeting.
Work on the Downtown Heritage Study has been progressing over the summer with the consultant team carefully considering the feedback received from June Stakeholder meetings and refining research and analysis. A final report presenting study recommendations will be released publicly at the end of September prior to the October 2nd public meeting. An email blast will be sent once the report is posted on the City’s website.
The consultant team is expecting to present the final report to the Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee in October, then Community Planning Regulation and Mobility Committee and City Council in November/December.
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