BURLINGTON, ON. June 13, 2013 – Wendy Cousins lives on Appleby Line. About 10 yards from the part of North Burlington where the Air Park land fill operation is taking place,

If you look careful through the dust – you can see the truck in front of the car. The problem for the Appleby Line residents is that this is what it is like much of the time and the air port people advise that they will be at it for a couple of months – intermittently.
The people doing the dumping do not believe they are subject to local rules about landfill rules and the need for permits. Nor do they feel they have any responsibility for the disruption they cause to the lives of the people who live along that road.
Wendy shot the picture below from the front of her car Wednesday afternoon, which was when Regional Council was meeting to discus what they should/could be doing.
It has always amazed me how one person can disrupt the lives of so many people and have that be alright. I have been up that road and what was once a quite beautiful rural countryside to enjoy and reflect on, is nothing more than mounds of dirt growing larger everyday. Nature and the people who live in and around this airport have been given a death notice. For shame City of Burlington for sitting on your hands, for shame. Beautiful City of Burlington – in whose eyes.