Evidence of life on another planet within 25 years - imagine!

By Pepper Parr

September 22nd, 2024


Taken December 24, 1968, during the Apollo 8 mission; described as “the most influential environmental photograph ever taken”.


Do you remember the first time you saw this picture.  It was a huge step in the way people saw the planet we live on.  Since that picture first appeared we have sent people to the moon and are getting ready to send people to Mars.

Before I rolled into my day – even before a cup of coffee – I read this in the Washington Post:

In all likelihood, in the next 25 years, we’ll find evidence of life on another planet. I’m willing to say this because I’m not a scientist and I don’t work in media relations for NASA. But all evidence points to us getting closer, every year, to identifying moons in our solar system, or exoplanets beyond it, that can sustain life. And if we don’t find conditions for life on the moons near us, we’ll find it on exoplanets — that is, planets outside our solar system. Within the next few decades, we’ll likely find an exoplanet that has an atmosphere, that has water, that has carbon and methane and oxygen. Or some combination of those things.

How will we react when the scientists announce there is life on another planet?  Will peace, love and light prevail – or will we look for a way to invade and take over – another effort at colonization.  Or have we earned something.


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