Fatal Motor Vehicle - Motorcycle Collision on Appleby Line

By Staff

July 30th, 2022


Earlier today at approximately 11:42am the Halton Regional Police Service responded to a motor vehicle collision in the intersection of Appleby Line and No 2 Sideroad in the City of Burlington.

A red Ducati motorcycle was travelling northbound on Appleby Line and collided with a black Volkswagen Jetta that was turning left from No 2 Sideroad onto Appleby Line. The motorcycle rider was pronounced dead at the scene. The Collision Reconstruction Unit has assumed carriage of the investigation.

Any witnesses to the collision who have not yet spoken to police are asked to contact the Collision Reconstruction Unit at 905-825-4747 ext. 5065.

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3 comments to Fatal Motor Vehicle – Motorcycle Collision on Appleby Line

  • Alfred

    Never understood why it is legal to sell motor vehicles that can attain speeds up to and over 200 miles per hour or over 3 times the speed limit.

    Regardless of who’s fault this was.

  • The worst intersection in the City. It should be closed permanently.

    • Denise W.

      That’s an idea. Dead end it, split the land to the nearby property owners to lessen the sting.

      I have a long history of driving this route. It has always been difficult.. Now I go north on Bell School Line and left at Britannia and over to Appleby. I have long ago given up on making a left turn from Number 2 Sideroad. You can do everything right, look left, look right, left, right, left, right and try to pull out and bang, somebody is zooming up the hill. Even at the speed limit, timing can make or break things.

      And a couple of times, northbound on Appleby, I had to abort from making a right hand turn on to Number 2 Sideroad because I was being tailgated too aggressively. You have to slow down early and signal early. There was a day that intersection was manageable, but no more. Everybody drinking too much caffeine.

      And while I am opining freely, let me add that the traffic circle at Britannia and Appleby is great, though long overdue.

      Yes, that is an idea….