Federal government creates a land bank - puts precious little in the way of an initial deposit

By Pepper Parr

September 1st, 2024



The federal government is looking for anything they can do to help get more housing built.

The created the Canada Public Land Bank and put 56 properties as potential locations for construction of thousands of housing units.  The 56 properties amount to 305 hectares of land across Canada.

This is comparable to a flea on an elephant – a sigh that they aren’t looking all that hard at the properties owned by the federal government.

Doing what government tend to do – inflate the information they hand out – we are told that the 305 hectares is equal to approximately 2,000 hockey rinks or 400 Canadian football fields

None of the 56 are located in Burlington

Properties were selected because of their suitability for housing development. The federal government is continuing to review federal surplus and underutilized properties, as well as actively working with partners to identify more properties for development.

A surprising part of the announcement is this:

If you are aware of a federal property that is currently not in use and has housing potential, please email us the location and a brief proposal at terrainspublics-publiclands@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca (this email is not secure; don’t include personal information, such as telephone, address, SIN, financial, medical or work details). You can also provide us with ideas directly from the public land mapping tool.

All properties included in the tool will be ready to be released as soon as possible.

To get a look at the locations there is an Interactive map.  Click HERE to get there.

In an attempt to assure the Indigenous community that the government isn’t going to steal anymore of their land the government said it will:

honour known interests and previous commitments and Section 35 Constitutional obligations (including those related to asserted or established aboriginal or treaty rights). We will also engage with Indigenous rights holders, communities and developers on housing and economic opportunities that the Public Lands for Homes Plan may present.

The government remains committed to meaningful consultation and coordination with Indigenous communities and organizations. We are working to ensure that the Public Lands for Homes Plan is applied in a way that recognizes and promotes Indigenous rights and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and that we fulfill our Crown’s duty to consult with Indigenous Peoples.

Canada is the world’s second-largest country with a land mass of 9,976,139 square kilometres. Canada comprises 7% of the world’s land mass.

1 square km = 100 hectares.

This is so embarrassing.

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