Fifteen years ago - Burlington Green was formed - a commendable record of achievement.

By Staff

November 22, 2022



Burlington Green was formed 15 years ago.

A snapshot of what they have done in that time.

Pretty good.

How far along are we in changing the way we work at trying to save the climate we have…

A glacier breaking apart as the temperatures rise.

There is more work to be done.

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1 comment to Fifteen years ago – Burlington Green was formed – a commendable record of achievement.

  • We personally viewed a glacier breaking apart in Alaska many years after we passed icebergs that remained whole on our way to Canada in 1971. on the Empress of Canada. Watching the breaking apart we had no idea of the significance of it. Thanks to Amy Schnurr’s leadership and the Burlington Green crew we are now a lot more educated but we must all try even harder than we have been to stop the damage to our Mother Earth and what surrounds it.