By Pepper Parr
April 3rd, 2023
There are now five candidates running for the Burlington Wards 1&2 trustee seat on the Halton District School Board.
We are told there are others who took part in the Information session the city held for anyone who was thinking of being a candidate.
Often when there is an election for a single seat on the Board of trustees one person comes forward and is acclaimed.
The candidate elected last October had to resign for personal reasons – which meant calling an election which is an expensive process
That isn’t the cases with the trustee for wards 1&2 in Burlington where there are xx trustees representing the city.
Nominated to date are:
Michael James Duhacek
Chris Goff
Anthony Hoyes
Daniel Warren Oke
Robbie Brydon
The public school board has some significant issues to deal with. The awkwardly handled issue of an Oakville teacher who appeared to be struggling with some personal identity issues infuriated parents with children attending the high school.
The teacher is on at home leave – no resolution on that issue yet.
The Board is currently getting ready to debate their budget – they are currently waiting for feedback and comment from the public.
Online voting will be available from May 15 to 19, 2023. In-person voting will take place at advance polls on Wednesday, May 24 and on Election Day, Monday, May 29, 2023.
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