By Pepper Parr
August 12th,2023
The Press event in Streetsville on Friday was about to ocme to an end when a reporter asked for “one more one more.”
Premier: Sure I’m I’m okay with a question. Go ahead, Joe.
The column I’m working on today’s six homicides in Kirkland Lake, drugs, bail crime.
I’ve never in my life heard of six homicides in a small town like that. It’s a crisis. It’s not headline news. I think that’s maybe your fault this week. But but it is very serious and I want to know what you’re going to do about it.
Premier: Well, first of all, my you know, my prayers and thoughts go out to the families that lost the loved ones.
I’ve been hammering this bill reform from from day one. I led the charge with all the premiers to put this forward to the federal government. I want to thank all premiers, all 12 premiers that signed off and I want to thank all the police for for sacrificing every single day going out there protecting our communities. So it’s sitting at the federal government right now in their lives.
I have all the confidence that the the new ministers Dominic LeBlanc will move this forward in a rapid fashion. But you see a lot of these people you know are out on bail. They get a slap on the wrist. Do you know what else is really ticking me off lately job or these home invasions on these car thefts to you know people are getting their car stolen and right left and center.
Now they’re so brazen. They kick kick the door in at four o’clock five o’clock in the morning imagine you being in your house and your family and you have a little one Joe, the panic, it goes through.
I have a message for these guys. We’re going to catch you and you’re going for going to jail and you’re gonna get a slap on the wrist. You aren’t going to get out on bail. We’ll do everything in our power provincially to keep you locked away as long as possible. And we’re going to put an end to that.
Given Ford’s spotty past with pharmaceuticals, he should be the last one to talk about criminal elements and bail.