Fun and games and a city council rule book with a rule that is far from clear; will Meed Ward really be shut down?

If you attended did anyone say anything to you about the intention to use the section of the bylaw that was used Monday night?

No one said anything to me at any time prior to the use of the bylaw.

As I am at the region this morning, I checked their procedural bylaw: Limits speaking to 10 minutes “at one time,” not per item, and not cumulative. Our bylaw is unclear whether per item means the entire topic (Ghent) or each item related to the topic (there were three separate items related to Ghent I spoke to) The ruling last night was a cumulative counting of minutes (including Rick reading the legal motion and the recorded vote, which were not my “speaking time”) over three items related to one topic.

 I have requested a meeting with Angela, Jeff Fielding and Rick G to discuss this further. I have some questions and comments I will be sharing in that forum and will be happy to provide more info to you (including my own views on this) after I meet with them.

 Councillor Meed Ward got back to us on the question:

Has any Council member every asked you to cut back on the length of time you speak?

NO. I’ve been teased good naturally for my questions (long time ago) I’ve also been told by several members of council they appreciate and learn a lot from my questions. No one has mentioned cutting back on speaking, either in Strat Plan or since. News to me. At the Region, the limit is 10 minutes at one time. I have never exceeded that.

Councillor Marianne Meed Ward, the one second from the left, manages to drive her fellow council members bananas with her questions and longish comments.

That last response from Ms Meed Ward stretches credulity just a tad.  She drives her fellow council members bananas with both the long detailed questions she asks of delegations and staff.  She wants answers and she will ask questions again and again to ensure she gets the answer.

I suspect it will be some time before the Mayor tries to so openly  shut Meed Ward down again – and I expect that Meed Ward will reign it in a bit in the months ahead.

We are not sure if Meed Ward will still follow through on her planned meeting with the Clerk, the Mayor and the city manager.  It would be fun to be a fly on the wall of that meeting room  – if it ever takes place.

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