Goff takes another run at public school board seat

By Pepper Parr

April 11, 2023



Chris Goff lives in ward 3 and drives school buses that get children who live in Aldershot to school.

While a student at Mohawk College he served as the student representative on the Board of the Community College.

Chris Goff, candidate for the wards 1&2 trustee seat on the Halton District School Board.

He also served on the Board of the Association of Community Colleges.

He describes his strength as someone who understands and has experience in governance issues; something he feels can be improved at the Halton District School Board.

His view is that the trustees are elected to oversee the running of the school board – not to get into the weeds of daily operations.

Goff would like to see better communications between the Board of Education and the parents. His view is that the “messaging is poor”.

His concern with the Oakville High School teacher, who is no longer in the classroom, was from a safety perspective. Dressed as he was Goff felt student safety was at risk.

Goff has attended school board trustee meetings prior to the pandemic lock downs and is familiar with how they do their work.

Goff said he has seen and reviewed past budgets but was not aware the Board of Education currently has a survey out asking people for feedback before they deliberate the budget for 2023-24

The two top issues for Goff are problems with the school bussing and the mental health of students. The operation of the school buses is handled by the Halton Student Transportation Services; they sign contracts with the bus operators on behalf of both the public and Catholic school boards – not something the trustees handle other than oversight.

Goff’s long term hope for education in Ontario is better communication and more attention paid to the processes that are relied upon. The system is Ok said Goff; it is the processes that need improvement.

Goff ran in the election that took place last October. The by-election was necessary due to the resignation of a newly elected trustee.

Goff had a very positive opinion on the STEM program at Aldershot High School but added that “the last two years have been rough – the students couldn’t be in class due to the Covid19 pandemic.”

Goff’s web site can be found HERE

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