Gould in the House of Commons: 'That is irresponsible. That is reckless.'

By Pepper Parr

December 12th, 2023



That nice lady that represents Burlington in Parliament got very tough yesterday.

A very pregnant Karina Gould who serves as the Liberal House Leader get the government message out.

At the end of a tortuous week when members of parliament finally ended a session that ran for days Karina Gould, who is the Liberal House leader had this to say:

“Mr. Speaker, speaking of Montreal, it is nice to see the Leader of the Opposition show up for work today. I guess there was not a fundraiser that he could attend.

“However, if we want to talk about last week, what Canadians saw on display was the Leader of the Opposition bringing right-wing Republican tactics to try and shut down the government.

“Canadians do not want the kind of chaos they see in Washington. They want responsible leadership in Canada, and that is not what we witnessed from the Leader of the Opposition last week.

“On this side of the House, we will continue to stand up for Canadians and stand up to bullies.”

Ten minutes later she stood up and said:

“Mr. Speaker, on this side of the House, we are proud to stand up for Canadians.

“Last week, what the Conservatives did is that they voted consistently against measures that not only make life more affordable for Canadians, but help them in their time of need.

“On the issue of suicide prevention, what did the Conservatives do? They voted against it. When it came to supporting victims of gender-based violence, what did the Conservatives do?

“They voted against it. The list goes on.

“That is irresponsible. That is reckless. Quite frankly, these are right-wing extreme politics from the United States that we do not want here in Canada.”


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15 comments to Gould in the House of Commons: ‘That is irresponsible. That is reckless.’

  • Mary Rose

    I congratulate those who took the trouble to go and hear Polievre. However I think it is very easy to suggest getting rid of the carbon tax – no one likes a tax, even though we get refunds. But what does Polievre suggest instead? Does he have a plan to deal with climate change? Did he say anything at the rally? What does he stand for?

    • David

      He say’s by advancing technology. I have to agree with this approach as the advances we have made over the years in making the Western world we live in more livable have been technologically driven not burdened by taxes.
      Having personally worked in the petrochemical industry all my adult life and can tell you without a doubt we always strive for cleaner and more efficient processes.
      Shifting our manufacturing to emerging nation economies was a mistake, there is a reason the product is cheaper their processes and energy delivery are not climate friendly.
      If you want to reduce carbon emissions the tax should be applied to the imports to the West from emerging nations who use nineteenth century processes in there production.
      As for the West’s fossil fuel consumption that create’s energy that drive’s our economy there are numerous emerging technological advancements that just require increased capitalization and incentives to bring these online.
      Economist Thomas Sowell said “ There are no solutions, only trade offs”. Polievre understands that the stick approach at the end of the day accomplishes very little.

    • Michael Hribljan

      Firstly a carbon tax is not a climate plan, the data so far supports that, Canada has not reduced CO2 emissions, it only penalizes the lower and middle class and adds to inflation according to the BOC. The US has no carbon tax, yet has reduced emissions, largely through export of LNG and phasing out coal fired generating stations. There is lots on the internet regarding Poilievre’s climate plan and keep an eye out on the CPC’s web site as policy documents will be made public. Be careful with a google search as the main stream media pays google to have their stories elevated and you have to find information direct from Poilievre. The Coles notes are, green lite hydro and nuclear projects (it its taking far to long for the libs to approve these projects). Approve mining projects for minerals needed for electrification (again these projects are mired in liberal red tape). Export LNG to get other countries off coal, LNG is also very necessary to back up renewables (battery technology at grid size is a fantasy). There were 15 LNG projects being proposed in 2015, all but one has been killed by the liberals and that one is delayed. Carbon capture technology. Bottom line, drive technology and innovation and get out of the way for this.

  • Ted Gamble

    This was not a show of toughness. Karina is simply parroting the only strategy left for the failing/flailing government. Try to convince Canadians that the opposition is extreme right wing and Trumpesque which is patently absurd.

    • Don Fletcher

      100% agreed. A vote for Karina Gould is a vote for Justin Trudeau, who is systemically driving this country into the ground (i.e. GDP/capital downward trend) to serve his personal ideologies & desire for power.

  • Michael Hribljan

    I’ve been mulling this over for a while, trying to understand the Liberals comparison of Poilievre to Trump. Even this ill prepared reporter could not answer the question.


    The only commonality I could come up with is the size and enthusiasm of Poilievre’s rallies.

    I attended one this summer in St. Catharines to see what it was all about. I was shocked, 2000 people, very orderly. After his talk, which was interesting, funny and logical, he stayed in the room to past midnight to shake hands and talk to anyone who wanted to.

    From what I understand, they are pretty much all this way, St. Catharines was not unique or an outlier, and Pierre stays very late to meet and talk to anyone.

    No secret service escort, no entourage of black SUVs.

    • Joe Gaetan

      Kind of reminds me of how Joe Biden also hangs around. This whole reference to extreme right wing behaviour is dog whistling at best. KG might be feeling her seat is not as safe as it was, and for good reason.

  • Don Fletcher

    And Karina Gould would certainly know what’s “irresponsible” & “reckless”. Her Liberal government just allowed 1,000,000+ immigrants to enter Canada this year as permanent residents, without planning for additional housing or hospital beds for them. Could that have potentially contributed to our housing affordability/ inflation crisis? You know; demand versus supply. Now that is irresponsible! That is reckless!

  • Michael Hribljan

    First of all, Lynn and Carol please do your research on the opposition and do not fall for the liberal talking points and Kool-Aid. The polls are the way they are for good reason.

    Check this video out… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tr6-bH3Wxjo

    So, Steven Guibeault lost a claim against Rebel News for blocking them on his government X account.

    The judge awarded legal costs to Rebel News of $20,000! This was paid with tax payer money. It should be paid by Guibeault personally, just illustrates the moral blindness of this government.

    Are you ready, our brilliant MP Karina Gould just blocked Rebel News on her government X account (after the ruling and court award!). Beyond incomprehensible, the worst MP we’ve had. Just another Truedeau cult member.

    Of course nothing in the mainstream media, nothing to see here.

  • The conservatives filibustered because they want an exemption on the carbon tax for farmers. There are some exemptions but many farmers still pay the carbon tax and that is causing food prices to increase. Why is it ok for the Liberals to buy votes by providing a carbon tax exemption for people in Atlantic Canada when an exemption to lower food prices for all Canadians is a no go.

    • David

      So wanting food prices to come down so that all Canadians can afford to eat is ‘extreme right wing’?
      And to bring down the costs of heating fuel so that people in the East can afford to heat their homes is admirable?
      How about doing both for all Canadians?

  • Carol Victor

    Totally agree….Poilievre is another Trump….contact lenses cannot hide the real person.
    Good for Karina.

  • Lynn Crosby

    I agree that I don’t want the extreme right wing US-style politics or politicians here in Canada and I’m afraid that’s much of what the opposition stands for.