Having a lawyer beside you in a Courtroom is worth every dollar you pay in fees

By Milos Kavalocker

January 25th, 2024



How an Attorney Can Help You Avoid Harsh Penalties

Lawyers understand the laws you might have broken. You want one of them beside you in a Court Room.

Oft times, having legal representation can help you avoid serious penalties. They have experience handling all manner of cases and can explain to you your options as well as their repercussions.

An attorney can also help you avoid conviction by negotiating for leniency with the prosecutor and fighting charges to have them dropped completely.

Don’t Let a Careless Driving Charge Ruin Your Life

While reckless and careless driving are often misconstrued as synonyms, a conviction for either can carry serious consequences, including skyrocketing insurance premiums оr even policy cancellation.

Careless driving specifically, even іf іt results іn just fines and points, can lead tо long-term headaches – including significantly higher insurance rates. The good news? You don’t have tо face these challenges alone.

An experienced careless driving attorney can dissect your case, craft a strong defence, and fight tо get your ticket dismissed or, іf necessary, negotiate a favorable plea deal tо minimize penalties and protect your driving record.

Speeding and stunt driving are serious issues – the fines are high, you can be sent to jail. A lawyer with experience in this field is critical.

Don’t Let a Stunt Driving Charge Ruin Your Life

Stunt driving charges are nо laughing matter. One of the most serious offences under the Highway Traffic Act, a conviction can lead tо immediate roadside licence suspension, vehicle impoundment, staggering fines up tо $10,000, and even jail time.

Beyond immediate penalties, the impact оn your insurance іs significant. Stunt driving convictions stay оn your record for three years, potentially leading tо coverage denial оr skyrocketing premiums.

If you’re facing stunt driving charges, don’t delay іn seeking legal representation. While minor procedural errors іn the initial Summons might not always save your case, a skilled lawyer will meticulously review all evidence, explore legal precedents, and fight for the best possible outcome. Remember, the right legal guidance can make a world оf difference іn navigating these serious charges.

Those roadside DUI tests can be contested – experienced lawyers can often find a flaw in a police officers testimony.

Don’t Let a DUI Charge Ruin Your Life

Arrest and conviction of DUI can result in life-changing legal consequences that will remain with you for years to come, including financial fines, lost license suspension and increased car insurance rates – not to mention potential professional ramifications that may adversely impact your career or personal relationships.

DUI convictions appear on your criminal record and may become available to law enforcement, employers, schools and any other entity conducting background checks. A conviction will also have an adverse impact on your reputation and may impede efforts to rent a home or secure credit.

Once stopped by an officer, it may be tempting to try and explain your side of the story directly; however, it would be prudent to remain silent until you have an attorney present. An experienced legal representative could potentially help protect you by arguing that the officer misinterpreted or failed to follow proper procedure during your arrest and thus may help avoid lengthy jail terms and penalties for you.

Don’t Let a Traffic Ticket Ruin Your Life

Just about any traffic violation can have serious repercussions for your insurance rates and lead to license suspension and jail time, whether it’s just one minor infraction or multiple speeding tickets issued against you. Therefore, it is imperative that you fight these violations head on in order to reduce insurance rates and save money in the process.

Experienced lawyers keep up to date on the changes that take place in Courtroom decisions and appeals.

Many tickets issued by police officers are issued on the basis of subjective judgment by an officer that a driver violated the law, so in order to challenge such tickets successfully it may be beneficial to use eyewitness statements, diagrams depicting where the vehicle was relative to an officer, and other evidence against their observations.

An attorney with experience and a solid understanding of the Ontario Highways Act and the Criminal Code can help you avoid unnecessary penalties, save money on insurance premiums, keep your record clean, and possibly help avoid losing your license altogether. In serious cases, an attorney may even help to avoid criminal records altogether.


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