Hearts will swell,tears will be shed as we honour those that were lost in wars to protect the democratic freedom we have today

By Pepper Parr

November 11th, 2022



People have their own personal, unique way of handling Remembrance Day.

For many it is a very deep, personal and painful day.

There is, for almost everyone, a lingering sense of loss – of what could have, might have been.

The crowds that show up to take part in the Remembrance Day event have always been large.

In Burlington the crowds that gather at the Cenotaph are large. In the past I have seen gatherings that flood Brant Street – they were larger than similar events in Toronto at the Cenotaph in front of the old City Hall.

For the Marsden family – it is a major event. They see it as the lynch pin that holds a society together. That men and women put on uniforms and went to war prepared to die to save the democracy, damaged as it is, is something not to be forgotten.

Anne and Dave Marsden and their granddaughter Ava. Ave will be serving as a sentry at the Cenotaph today.

For Anne and Dave Marsden it is an event they are proud to be part of; something they remind people of again and again.

For some that ‘reminding’  is tiring – for Anne and Dave it is who they are.

This year Anne will be laying a wreath – something she has wanted to do for some time.

And this year her granddaughter Ava, an Army cadet will be serving as a sentry

We all know what that phrase “my heart swelled” means. It is a wonderful part of human nature.

Today the hearts of the Marsden family will swell.

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