BURLINGTON, ON April 25, 2012 It`s sort of like one of those Rodney Dangerfield situations where he just can’t get any respect.
We have certainly had our comments to make about Jane McKenna, the Progressive Conservative MPP for Burlington. But to not invite the woman to an event taking place in the city and then invite Ted McMeekin from the neighbouring riding of Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Westdale is a bit much.
Heck, the Teen Tour Band made the invite list.
The event was to thank the funding partners for the help in getting the Community Garden plots operational.
Honourable Ted McMeekin—MPP for Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Westdale was invited. You know he is going to hold the microphone and talk about the wonderful provincial government project that made the community garden plot possible when it was actually Michelle Bennett and Amy Schneider who did all the work and went before Council committee on more than one occasion to convince the city to support the project.
Mayor Rick Goldring; Councillor Marianne Meed Ward; Community Services General Manager Scott Stewart; environmental community group BurlingtonGreen ; community gardeners; the Burlington Teen Tour Band; and Burlington residents are going to be there. But no Jane McKenna.
Will we now see a quick reversal and have someone say – golly, we forgot. No one forgets Jane McKenna. You may not be a fan – but this is not a woman you forget. This was really small town, petty politics.
We checked with McKenna’s constituency office and they said they would get back to us. Late in the day there was an email thanking us for bringing this matter to their attention.
Did we forget that Burlington is the second nicest city to live in – and aren’t we supposed to at least be civil to each other?
The garden lots sit in the middle of Central Park, back a bit from the Senior`s Centre. Great idea. It was good enough to get Michelle Bennett nominated as the Environmentalist of the Year.
The actual press release came from the city’s public affairs office – did they goof again and send out the wrong version of a press release ?
My making these comments is going to put me in deep doo, doo with my Liberals friends. They think I should be a little more partisan. And no, Ron Foxcroft, you are not to send me a membership application for the Burlington Progressive Conservative Association. We are being fair here.
The event by the way is at Central Park at 10:00 am; Saturday May 5th
Is there any way that we could get some of these Community Garden Plots near low income housing areas? The families living there could really benefit from the fresh food. I would think it would be of interest if the plots were located within walking distance of their homes. Perhaps our schools in the same area could then promote this to their students.
Sorry about the typo FerDilizer.
I was pretty shook up by the Post typo on ‘buget.’
I contacted The Post regarding their typo … but they insist you provide details relative to your prior life and future plans, along with a co-signer … rather than an open field array for erroneous text as compared to corrected text.
Meanwhile, the fertilizer on ‘robocalls’ is still flowing by the truckload at our provincial seat of governance. Perhaps we can draw down their resources for our Central Park gardening project.
MEMBER’S PRIVILEGES ( 8 pages—5,029 words, including newspaper article submitted by the MEMBER )
Keyword search: ‘McKenna’
Search within a search keyword: ‘reputation’
The debate itself goes well beyond Much Ado About Nothing.
Who makes up this list? I’m not on the list … but, then again, I didn’t get ‘robocalled’ either! MPP Jane McKenna should be on the list. It will definitely permit her constituency office to inform the MPP of any future events.
For this particular event … bring your own ferDilizer.