HRPS Engages Prominent Ontario Researcher to Study Policing of Hate Crime in Halton

By Staff

November 7th, 2022



How do you police hate crimes?

Most believe that education is the solution.

If people are informed and understand the issues and don’t rely on uninformed views from their peers views can be developed that don’t result in hate.

The Region tends to get short but very painful bursts of hateful behaviour where groups are the target of graffiti and literature – much of this appears on social medit where it gets distributed widely very quickly.

The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) is committed to the safety and well-being of those who call Halton home. This includes rigorously and thoroughly investigating all reports of hate and/or bias motivated incidents and supporting those affected by it.

Dr. Barbara Perry,  Director of the Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism

To ensure that the HRPS is fulfilling its mandate in this key area of policing, the Service has engaged prominent third-party consultant, Dr. Barbara Perry,  Director of the Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism and is recognized internationally for her groundbreaking work in this field.

Dr. Perry’s study will include an analysis of HRPS’ policy mandates, reporting mechanisms, and annual reports, as well as interviews with Service personnel, and community members who are most likely to be subjected to or impacted by hate.

Halton Residents Invited to Participate in Survey

Two suspects captured on video cameras leaving hate literature on the doors of city hall

In addition to the above and to help understand broader community perceptions regarding HRPS’ management of hate crime, Dr. Perry is extending an invitation to members of the community – including those who have had interactions with the HRPS in the context of hate and/or bias motivated incidents – to participate in a short, confidential survey.

The survey form is HERE. It can be completed between now and December 2, 2022, at

Those with questions or comments regarding the study are encouraged to reach out to Dr. Perry directly via email at



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