By Pepper Parr
August 29th, 2022
City Manager Tim Commisso has advised Stephen White that Staff will be producing a report on the coyote problem that will be presented to the Corporate Services Strategy Risk and Accountability Standing Committee on September 14th

Is the city manager losing his grip on an issue that trouble many people in the city.
He also plans to meet with Mr. White on Thursday of this week. White said he has no idea what is going to take place at that meeting.
Commisso is reported to have said that he is prepared to add additional funding to the problem.
We also learn that there is now a sign at the intersection of Lakeshore Road and Guelph line advising/informing the public about the coyote problem.
A Gazette reader, in a comment she wrote in the Gazette comments section “A small child was dragged out of their backyard by the neck by a coyote before their dad saved them.´
We suspect the comment stretched the truth quite a bit – the point however is that there is a population worried, afraid and uncertain.

Stephen White has been asked to attend a meeting with the City Manager to “talk about” the coyote problem in the city. White doesn’t know what the agenda is.
That population also has a problem with a city Council that does not appear to know how to address a serious issue – the safety of the public.
There is an opportunity here for the City Manager to ask the Mayor to call an emergency meeting of city council to bring the public up to date on what has happened, with a lot of detail, and to set out the immediate steps that can and will be taken.
If there was ever a time for some Strategy Risk and Accountability from the city manager and City Council – this is it.
A sign at an intersection doesn’t quite cut it.
We have a public that is worried; we have members of Council who had, until very recently, not seen the report and we have some dangerously exaggerated comments being made.
An Emergency meeting before everyone leaves town for the Labour Day holiday is in order.
Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette, an online newspaper that was formed in 2010 and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.

Are you aware that hunting coyotes is perfectly legal in North Burlington. Actually there is a legal open season in South Burlington as well with no limit on how many you can kill. This is established my the MNR. The only thing preventing coyotes from being hunted in South Burlington is the No disharge of firearm by-law. In other places where firearms can be discharged you can kill as many as you want.
These animals have not historically been in this area forever. They migrated here, due to the abundance of food, and they aren’t hunted. Almost 90% of Ontario is crown land. Much of Ontario’s private land is farm land. They have lot’s of options where they could
Stephen White please note that I’m on your side on this one.
Here go humans again getting all wound up about the native animals that humans have displaced fighting back against those same humans.
Certainly there is an issue that needs addressing. Likely tge coyotes will bear tge brunt of whatever solution is determined to be implemented.
The Gazette suggests one reader has exaggerated the circumstances surrounding the attack on the child. Maybe. Probably. I suggest the Gazzette is also exaggerating, but it is exaggerating the level of fear in the community. I live within 100 yards of Market Street, and I have a rather plump small dog. I am by no means worried at all. Nor was I previously. My neighbours on Market St seem as unconcerned as I am.
This is exactly what I thought would happen….the city will do a report on the report.
Is anyone listening at City Hall? September 14th the staff will present a report.
Where is our mayor and our councillors? Why are they not demanding more be done until they receive a report on the report? They may be in vacation/campaign mode but the coyotes aren’t.
What exactly would you have them do? The reporter submitted by Mr White’s group may have valid recommendations or some might be not what is needed. If this was another topic and was implemented without staff consideration of public input you would be up in arms at the trashing of procedure. Let’s allow staff and councilors to provide a considered response. After all the Coyote that attacked has been destroyed. So we have breathing space.