Is the Mountainside Drive - Guelph Line intersection dangerous? Numerous accidents at this location with fatalities in the past.

News 100 blackBy Staff

January 30, 2015


On Thursday January 29, 2015 just after 3:00 pm, Halton Regional Police were dispatched to the area of Guelph Line and Mountainside Drive in the City of Burlington for a motor vehicle collision.

A two vehicle collision occurred in the southbound lanes of Guelph Line just north of Mountainside Drive. While a silver sport utility vehicle was stopped at the red light, it was struck from behind by a blue four door sedan. As the driver of the sport utility exited his vehicle, he observed the female driver of the sedan to be in distress. He, as well as other drivers who were stopped for the light, attempted to assist the female.

Emergency services personnel arrived on the scene quickly and began to provide care for the female driver. She was subsequently transferred to a local hospital and arrangements were being made for her to be transferred to a trauma centre. The Collision Reconstruction Unit attended the scene and assumed responsibility for the investigation.

Police cruiser New_look

Halton Regional Police will all wear the new “colours”. In times past the OPP cruisers wore black and white and were referred to as “Holsteins” by many people.

Through investigation it was determined that the female driver suffered a medical episode while driving. She is a fifty five years old Burlington resident and her identity will not be released.

The driver of the sport utility was uninjured.

The left turn lane and two of the three through lanes on Guelph Line were closed while police investigated.

Is this a dangerous intersection?

In August of 2013 a 31 year old Waterdown man was operating his 2010 Kawasaki Ninja 600cc motorcycle northbound on Guelph Line, north of the QEW. He had a 31 year old Burlington woman as a passenger.

That motorcyclist lost control as he attempted to make a left turn onto westbound Mountainside Drive. This caused the motorcycle to flip onto its side and eject the riders.

A 2007 Chevrolet Cobalt being driven by a 42year old Hamilton man made contact with the motorcycle and the rider in the intersection. The Chevrolet did not contributed to the reason as to why the motorcyclist lost control. The Chevrolet driver was not injured and was released from the scene.

Is there reason to suspect there are problems with this intersection? – these are not the only accidents at this location.

Police Reconstruction people might want to take a second look at the way the intersection works

Any witnesses to the Thursday accident are urged to call the Collision Reconstruction Unit at (905) 825-4747 ext. 5065

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5 comments to Is the Mountainside Drive – Guelph Line intersection dangerous? Numerous accidents at this location with fatalities in the past.

  • Yvonne

    That whole area is a mess Several traffic lights and none of them synchronized Very busy with Home depot traffic and drivers exiting off QEW I go out of my way and take Walkers southbound instead of Guelph Line now

  • Steve Robinson

    The first example has nothing to do with the condition of the intersection, it was medical distress, and the same for second example, the motorcyclist couldn’t safely negotiate the turn, probably going to fast, And the last example is so vague that it makes it hard to get any sense of what went on. They made contact? How? Did the car turn left in front of the bike (a most common occurrence),or did the bike make a left turn in front of the car? This example also doesn’t clue on in on any situation that might make this particular intersection unsafe.

  • JQ Public

    Seems a little bit of a stretch to blame an intersection for a personal medical emergency and a motorcyclist who possibly took the turn without enough skill or caution. Where’s the fault of the intersection in this?

  • Roger

    There is a brand new redlight camera in the area on Guelph line by Montana’s causing premature stopping – should this be mentioned as wll

  • Anna

    As a frequent driver on that stretch of Guelph Line, the main problem I notice with that intersection is the same problem with that whole stretch of Guelph Line – the lights seem to be deliberately timed so that you hit every single one as a red light, every time. It gets incredibly frustrating and annoying (to the point where I avoid driving north on Guelph Line when I can, as the light timing on Brant seems much better).

    I don’t know if that plays a roll, but frustrated and annoyed drivers speeding between red lights isn’t a great situation.