By Staff
October 11, 2106
She’s back.
Jane McKenna has announced she will be seeking the Progressive Conservative (PC) nomination for Burlington.
A date has yet to be set for any nomination meeting. The next provincial election is 2018.

Jane McKenna in her Tory blue pin stripe suit during the campaign she won the seat.
McKenna won the seat in 2011 when the party chose McKenna over Rene Papin who chose to withdraw from the nomination race and Brian Heagle who apparently got cold feet and decided not to put his toe in the water last time.
McKenna defeated Karmel Sakran in the October 2011 provincial election and went on to become PC leader Tim Hudak’s biggest fan. Sitting on an Opposition Bench McKenna wasn’t able to do all that much for Burlington; in her media release she doesn’t set out a single thing she achieved as an MPP.
McKenna was soundly defeated by Eleanor McMahon in 2014 who can be expected to hold the seat for the Liberals unless the Liberal party collapses – which it might well do.
“I’m seeking the PC nomination to be our next MPP because, like many Burlington residents, I believe we need change at Queen’s Park so families and businesses can look forward to a brighter economic future” said Jane
McKenna in announcing her candidacy for the nomination. “I’m convinced that in the Spring of 2018 the people of Ontario are going to elect Patrick Brown as Premier and a new PC Government at Queen’s Park. Since working with Patrick on his Leadership Campaign, I’ve been able to participate in the revitalization and refocusing of the PC Party. I still see so much work that needs to be done to get Ontario back on track.”
McKenna is a former Director of Business Development at PLAY Advertising and owner of Rainmaker Consulting, a Burlington-based business. As the MPP for Burlington between 2011-2014, she served as Opposition Critic for the portfolios of Economic Development, Trade & Employment; Government Services and Children and Youth Services.

McKenna talking to voters after her 20111 campaign.
“In the coming months, I will devote my passion, my energy and my work ethic to listening to the residents of Burlington and earning their confidence.”
The Gazette wondered why McKenna attended the tribute to Domenic Molinaro last week – now we know – she wants to get that nomination.
This time around however McKenna isn’t the only person seeking that nomination.

I agree with Stephen White: Burlington deserves better than either McMahon or McKenna.
It is intuitively obvious that selling public provincial assets like Hydro One (the proverbial “Goose that Lays Golden Eggs” in perpetuity) is not good, creative public policy. In the short term – i.e., until the next election – it can help a government stay in power for another term. In the long term it can only result in revenue loss that will be replaced by higher taxes. Surely Burlington can produce someone who has played the game of Monopoly a few times and understands that?
I would prefer a candidate who had invested in some higher education.
Hi William:
I never said he was the answer to all our problems….just a better alternative than what’s being offered so far.
The suggestion that Brian Heagle is the answer to all our problems is a real stretch. Google Heagle on the Gazette web site – he’s not our man.
Priority #1 in the next provincial election is relegating the provincial Liberals to the recycling bin. The Liberals have made a sorry mess of this province over the past thirteen years and nowhere is this more clearly manifested than in their handling of the energy file.
At last count according to Global News there were 60,000 Hydro customers in arrears on their bills. The cost of electricity in rural Ontario has skyrocketed, and hydro rates are now twice what they are in Quebec and three times what they are in Manitoba. Their handling of economic issues and their overall financial managment has been unbelievably poor.
I would love it we had a new, fresh face running for the provincial Tories. Brian Heagle would be a credible candidate. Not only is he a great speaker but he has the gravitas and intellect one would expect from a candidate running for this office. Burlington deserves better than either McMahon or McKenna.
Eleanor has not done alot for Burlington. Seems to be more focused on advancing her career at Queen’s Park – recently was told by local office as a minister she has less time to address Burlington matters and that people needed to understand. Here is what I understand – we voted her to represent Burlington – end of story – I would give Jane a 2nd look.
I don’t know if McKenna vs. McMahon makes a whole whack of different locally for Burlington residents, but one thing is for sure, the provincial Liberal power needs to end! My God if they keep going the way they’re going none of us are going to have any money left!! Nothing against McMahon, but she may find herself the unfortunate victim of her boss’ (Wynne) reckless spending habits. I don’t know if Patrick Brown is exactly the answer either, but he’s GOT to be better than Wynne! ANYBODY other than the Liberals, PLEASE!!
Two Jane’s in now,may there be a Mike also entering the race?
Only time will tell !