Another fan – with a point of view. He might be right!

BURLINGTON, ON April 15, 2011

Good Morning

A good friend of mine Jim Barnett called me an hour or so ago about the article you wrote about my delegation before Council on Monday night. I certainly understand your point of view but don’t agree with it.

Do you know that Council took away from all non union staff their annual cost of living increase for 2011.(Perhaps you should have researched and included that fact in your article) This was the backdrop to my comment on pay. Could you imagine them taking an increase and all staff being asked to forego the same increase? What Council did was take the lead which was in my opinion the right thing to do under the circumstances.

The article on Joe Lamb’s delegation to city hall is here.

By the way I enjoy your website. I have added it to my favourites.


Joe  Lamb




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