Lieutenant Governor of Ontario to visit the city Friday - will be welcomed by the Town Crier.

News 100 blueBy Staff

February 22, 2017



It’s going to be the best photo op the Mayor is going to have this year – unless Joseph Brant is resurrected on Canada Day – than all bets are off.

The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the Hon. Elizabeth Dowdeswell, will head up a Round Table discussion on seniors’ housing needs in Burlington on Friday.

Lt Gov Ontario

Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the Hon. Elizabeth Dowdeswell

The event is to take place at the Art Gallery of Burlington with the Town Crier leading the welcome to the Lakeshore entrance of the AB.

The Burlington Teen Tour Band will perform foe the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.

Burlington has of the largest seniors communities in the province from a percentage of the population aspect.

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1 comment to Lieutenant Governor of Ontario to visit the city Friday – will be welcomed by the Town Crier.

  • Penny

    Who from the Senior Community was invited to the discussion on Seniors’ housing needs? Will this be a discussion where people put forward their concerns or will there be some relevant solutions being offered?