McKenna rumoured to be running for the Conservative nomination in new riding of Oakville North Burlington.

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

May 5, 2015


The meeting to nominate the Conservative candidate for the new federal riding of Oakville North Burlington is to take place – when and where ? Their web site doesn’t tell you.

Ward 6 Councillor Blair Lancaster thinking through the answer to a question.  Tends to be cautious.

Ward 6 Councillor Blair Lancaster thinking through the answer to a question. Tends to be cautious.

Blair Lancaster will be running for that nomination. A number of people have told us that Jane McKenna will run for the nomination as well.

You’re kidding was my first response.

Burlington MPP Jane McKenna is not going to support the Liberal budget.

Former Burlington MPP Jane McKenna is rumoured to be seeking the Conservative nomination in the newly created Oakville North Burlington riding.

McKenna got the Tory machine in Burlington to nominate her and she won the election. Problem was she did nothing to make herself into a credible provincial MPP.

Tim Hudak, her leader at the time, didn’t help her re-election chances but had McKenna created a profile of her own rather than become a Hudak clone she might have had a chance of being re-elected.

Her chances diminished when Eleanor McMahon won the Liberal nomination and then the seat.

For McKenna to try now to win the Conservative nomination in a brand new riding where she would be running against Lancaster, a women with a polished profile is a bit of a kamikaze act.

Lancaster will win the nomination. Winning the election is another matter. Should the Harper government be returned and find that Lancaster is amongst them the people of Oakville North Burlington will have a council member who was just beginning to get the hang of her job representing them in Burlington.

And the people of ward 6 in Burlington will have a chance to elect someone with a little more depth – the name of one very strong contender with significant Advisory committee experience is being floated.

Pam Damoff

Oakville Councillor Pam Damoff will represent the Liberals in the October federal election

The Liberals have nominated Oakville Councillor Pam Damoff, the untimely death of Max Khan left the Liberals scrambling to find a candidate with a decent profile.

Adnan Shahbaz

Adnan Shahbaz will represent the Green Party in the October federal election.

The Greens have nominated Adnan Shahbaz.

The New Democrats will hold their nomination meeting on May 7, 2015 at Oakville Town Hall. Che Marville will seek the nomination.

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2 comments to McKenna rumoured to be running for the Conservative nomination in new riding of Oakville North Burlington.

  • David

    You missed a nominated candidate, David Clement for the Libertarian Party of Canada

  • Yvonne

    Why not mention the other candidates vying for this long awaited nomination . Many whom may be more qualified than the two you so clearly dote over in this article.

    Editor’s note: We don’t know of any other candidates running for the Conservative party nor have we heard from people running for the nomination of the other political parties. If you know of anyone – do let us know.