Millcroft community loses at Land Tribunal - costs were not awarded

By Pepper Parr

June 12, 2024


UPDATED   There was an error in the first version of this article. We went with the information we were given by one of the Parties to the hearing. story.  The community was not held responsible for the costs of the develop who made the application.  A copy of the decision was not available to us at the time this story was published.

The Millcroft community got a hard kick in the wrong place today.

The Ontario Land Tribunal found for Argo development saying the application to add 90 homes to golf course lands saying, in a 146 page decision, “that it is good land use planning with conditions.”

The OLT Member included a significant number of pages of conditions to the decision.

More to follow.

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7 comments to Millcroft community loses at Land Tribunal – costs were not awarded

  • Adam

    This is what happens when we have a Greenbelt and we run out of land for single family homes and force intensification. People want single family homes and there is no land left in Burlington for single family homes, that is why this happened. If we opened up more land for development this would never have happened.

  • Laurin S

    All I want to know is, why? Is this for all the immigrants that were brought to Canada recently? How come we’re not building in remote and under-populated areas like the middle of Manitoba and out East? I was an immigrant in 2000, nobody made this kind of fuss for me! I passed all the medical and financial requirements to come here. I also used to live in Milcroft. Can the developers make substantial donations for the food banks in Burlington in the future? If there are homes put in there, there’s gonna be a line to Oakville for the food bank because, who can afford food after purchasing? Those are million dollar homes on the golf course already, how much are the ones gonna be that will be built there? Which immigrants are buying them and from what country? China? Russia? India? Maybe Ford himself and his rich friends should build the food banks and sustain them with their own money. Mississauga had lines for the food banks in the early 2000’s because of all the new homes. This is the future of Burlington.

  • Joe Gaetan

    Why do we call it a Tribunal? It is really a Onebunal if there is such a word. Also a huge waste of time and money as it is somewhat kangarooish courtish or kabukiish sans music and dance.

  • Lynn Crosby

    It seems nobody ever wins at the tribunal except the developers. I suspect the province doesn’t want to set any kind of precedent against developing on flood plains – too many communities across Ontario would have a case to stop other developments.

    At the end of the day, Ontario is ruled by Doug Ford’s developer friends/donors, and the Ontario Land Tribunal – as well as strong mayors now – are very useful tools in keeping them happy – to build wherever and whatever they want. Look at what they’re willing to do to the Greenbelt and to Ontario Place – $$$$.

  • Mary Alice St. James

    The Citizen Groups, Millcroft Greenspace Alliance and M.A.D. had innumerable citizen presentations, delegations and now the O.L.T. that required that they pay for lawyers, a hired planner, consultants in storm sewers and verification of extensive research from other cities across Ontario. A lot of advocacy/volunteerism by citizens as well as by our city was put into this process.
    The Applicant’s “win” surely should be enough. No further money should be requested and beyond egregious. Certainly this win by The Applicant, as is the case with many “Applicants” whose monies obviously overwhelm citizens should be respectful with their win. Money talks and Applicants have a lot of it.
    Perhaps Applicants could start a new Phase One and begin a few Affordable Housing Projects that demonstrate their love of Burlington. Perhaps Applicants could build a few new hospices in Burlington. Perhaps Applicants can show kindnesses towards Burlington. Let’s see …

  • Gary Scobie

    So once again our Land Tribunal thumbs its nose at the logic of good planning, this time for water and flood management, greenspace and help in combatting climate change, all for some expensive single family homes that do nothing for home affordability or increased density of homes. The Premier’s development friends will love this, since it’s all about money for them, never about what is right for Burlington.

    And rub the Millcroft noses in the dirt to be carted away by stiffing them with the applicant’s costs. Another sad day in our city and province.

  • H.L.

    Every Tribunal relating to land development has been inept, inexperienced and a waste of tax payers dollars. Have they EVER denied a developer regardless of the risks to the environment, surrounding area (flooding) and the well being of the current residents. All over Burlington, residents have pushed back against this Tribunal; but most of the developers have won their cases. So this is not shocking.

    Even in cases where there isn’t enough parking. Towering condos with allotted 1.5 parking spots per unit. Where are the extra cars going to park. On the street. Right now the downtown core is short on parking spots. So many of the cute stores and bakeries are gone or going. Burlington WAS once a cute city. Also, what about the loss of our tree canopy. By all means plant a few saplings that we won’t see grow in our life time. I used to live in Millcroft and I saw the plans and it’s a great way to ruin a beautiful community. I have a gut feeling that our municipal gov’t is relieved that the OLT overrules them as well. This way they don’t have to take the blame and at the same time satisfy Doug Ford directive to “intensifying” our city and destroy our environment.