“No Voice No Representation” Rally at City Hall on Monday April 23rd at 6pm till 6:30pm.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

April 19th, 2018



The Alton Village Resident’s Association is holding a “No Voice No Representation” Rally at City Hall on Monday April 23rd at 6pm till 6:30pm.

Does the city expand on the space it has on Brant Street by adding to the back of the building or putting office space on Civic Square? Or is there a new city hall in the cards for us?

Will the “No Voice No Representation” Rally be real? Will people show up?

They are inviting anyone who plans to run for a city council seat to attend and take part.

Ken White, who has said he will be filing nomination papers at city hall for the ward 6 seat, is involved with the resident association in creating an opportunity for “council candidates to speak their mind and air their concerns about Burlington. This is an all Wards invitation.”

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3 comments to “No Voice No Representation” Rally at City Hall on Monday April 23rd at 6pm till 6:30pm.

  • Penny

    Andrew, every resident has a right to their own opinion and I respect yours. What I see is over-intensification for over-intensification sake. It is one thing to have high-rises in an area if the City has also taken into effect that services are required for the additional people moving in. What is needed is the building of a “community”. What does this mean….it means that there are grocery stores, pharmacies, medical offices, etc. located in these new developments. After all if we are to become less dependent on cars we need to be able to walk to these services.

    Perhaps instead of asking for affordable housing units from developers ( after all what does affordable really mean), I would prefer that the City mandate more commercial units that would have affordable rental rates that would allow for smaller businesses to operate.

    The City required that a hotel be part of the Bridgewater Development, why not require that the commercial units have services that residents need are included in the proposed high rises?


  • Andrew

    Did you ever think that maybe residents like what they see?

  • Penny

    Residents from all wards should be supporting each other. The proposed new official plan if passed will eventually impact all wards and residents.

    It is important that residents stop talking among themselves and let their elected councillors know what they would like to see their city look like.

    GROW SMART does not mean GROW BOLD.