Nominations for city council opened today 7 have signed up.

By Pepper Parr

May 2nd, 2022



Beginning to get interesting.

The following trotted along to the office of the City Clerk and put the passport on the table and handed over the filing fee.


Tony Brecknock, centre: video expert

Some interesting new names.  Tony Brecknock hasn’t seen the inside of the Council Chamber in a decade.  He was a major player in the school closing issue and he ran a candidate as a school board trustee.

Robert Radway

Robert Radway, a high school teacher (20 years in) teaches history.  Wasn’t sure he would resign as a teacher – he wants to clear up that issue very quickly.

Councillor Paul Sharman: Thinking it over very carefully

The other are current members of Council.  Sharman has his nomination papers ready for filing.  He was soliciting people at the Chamber of Commerce event recently.  Expect Paul to be very cautious – there is a brass ring for the taking if he is careful.

Needs to build a credible organization to pull this one off.  He should be looking for a cracker jack campaign manager that he will listen to.

Stick around – this crowd is not going to wait for the election of a new Premier get in the way of raising funds and building a team.

A report that has some credibility was the ward that even if she is acclaimed – Mayor Meed Ward will still run a campaign.  Has she not learned that Ann Marsden is planning on running.  Expect her name to appear on the list soon.

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