Oakville Mayor returned as chair of the Police Services Board for a second term.

News 100 redBy Staff

January 26, 2015


At the January 22, 2015 Police Services Board, Oakville Mayor Rob Burton was elected as Chairman for a second year. The Board also elected Ms. Marion Yee, a Burlington resident as Vice-Chair.

In accepting the opportunity to serve again as Chairman, Burton thanked the Board members for their support and welcomed the opportunity to continue to work with all members of the Board, the Police Service and the numerous community partners. He reiterated the Board’s ongoing commitment to ensure the residents of Halton continue to receive the highest standard of police service they have become accustom to.

Mayor Burton was appointed to the Police Services Board by the Regional Council for a second term in December 2014.

The Police Services Act requires that every Police Services Board must elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman at their first meeting of each year.

The Halton Regional Police Services Board is a seven member civilian Board that oversees the Halton Regional Police. Under the Police Services Act, the Board is responsible for the Police Service operating and capital budgets; strategic planning; policies and priorities.

The Police Board’s fundamental responsibility is to ensure adequate and effective police services are provided to the citizens of Halton Region.

Marion Yee

Marion Yee, a registered nurse. She has been a Mediator and Trainer for Scarborough Conflict Resolution Service and volunteered for the Society of Conflict Resolution in Ontario.

Marion Yee is a Registered Nurse, with many years of management experience in the health care field. She was first appointed to the Police Services Board in May 2010 and has been a resident of the Region of Halton since 2002.
Marion received her nursing education at Mohawk College, as well as receiving degrees in Urban Planning from Ryerson University and University of Western Ontario. She has lived in various countries abroad and travelled widely, which gives her a unique open minded perspective to apply to the diverse community issues of Halton.

Marion was appointed to the Halton Regional Police Services Board in May 2010. She has an interest in giving back to her community and is actively involved in a variety of community activities. She has been a Mediator and Trainer for Scarborough Conflict Resolution Service and volunteered for the Society of Conflict Resolution in Ontario.   Ms Yee has been a Faculty Advisory Committee member for the School of Urban and Regional Planning at Ryerson University, as well as a board member for Charlton Hall Child and Family Centre.

Marion resides in Burlington with her two university age children and enjoys a wide variety of outdoor activities in her leisure time, including cycling, hiking and sailing.

The fundamental purpose of the Board is to provide oversight for the delivery of police services in Halton Region.
The Police Services Board is not a committee of Regional Council. The Board exercises its governance function through the development of policies. The Chief of Police reports to and is directly accountable to the Police Services Board for adherence to and compliance with the Board’s policies. It is through the governance function and the authority granted to it by the Police Services Act that the Board exercises its mandate over the Halton Regional Police Service.

Ward 1 Councillor Rick Craven - half of what Councilor Meed Wards describes as the Rick and Rick" team - who she thinks have a conflict of interest over the BPAC budget they approved as members of that board and now want to vote on at city council

Burlington ward 2 Councillor Rick Craven serves on the Halton Regional Police Services Board.

The composition of the Police Services Board is determined by the Police Services Act. In accordance with the population of Halton Region, the Halton Regional Police Services Board consists of:

The Regional Chair, or if the Regional Chair chooses not to be a member of the Board, another member of the Council appointed by resolution of Council
Two members of Regional Council appointed by resolution of Council
One person appointed by resolution of Regional Council, who is neither a member of the Council nor an employee of the Region
Three persons appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

Ward 1 Councillor Rick Craven is also a member of the Police services Board.

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