The transit solution seems to be - spend more money - is it that simple?

By Pepper Parr April 3, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON A year later, a crowd of about 65 – maybe 75 people gathered at the Central library […]

Have you got the plans made for what you're going to do with Mum on Mother's Day?

By Staff April 4, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON Mother’s Day – May 7th this year. The florists will pick up on that one. All the pushy […]

Michelle van Maurik will exhibit her work at the Seaton Gallery during April and May.

By Pepper Parr April 2, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON It really is all about the artist – but getting that exhibit set up is as exacting […]

Transit doesn't get a passing grade - but there are a couple of bright spots - just no money to pay for the needed improvements.

By Staff April 2, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON It was the second annual Transit Forum and was as well attended as the first last year. Of […]

More than $40,000 worth of illegal drugs taken of the streets - supply will be limited for the next while.

By Staff April 1, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON If the laws of supply and demand have any impact on the drug trade – expect to pay […]

City hall staff will be at community centre locations to help people apply for $5000 grants - will there be long line ups to get in?

By Staff April 1, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON It’s a great idea but the take up within the community hasn’t been as strong as the Parks […]

Do the festivals and events tell the world what Burlington is all about - or are we more than two twenty year old events

By Pepper Parr March 31, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON They decided to call it a party rather than a meeting and made a good effort to […]

Is Burlington in Line for a Second Pier?

By Ray Rivers April 1st, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON The question no one seems to be asking is whether Burlington really needs another waterfront pier. Sources […]

That rain runs into Burlington's 17 creeks - high water time.

By Staff March 31, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON How does that phrase go? In like a lion out like a lamb? We seem to have a […]

Investing in our communities: can city hall develop community with cash contributions or do people naturally come together? City is going to try the money route.

By Pepper Parr March 31, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON How do you build community? Doesn’t it just happen naturally? Apparently not – the city has adopted […]

Burlington and the OMB - things haven't changed all that much.

By Bob Wood March 31, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON This article isn’t for everyone – it gives you a look at the way city council and […]

City planner puts her staff out onto the street to meet the public - they can help with the paper work.

By Staff March 30th, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON City of Burlington building staff will be at local home improvement stores for three Saturdays in April to […]

People don’t use the system because it’s cheap, they use it because it’s convenient. So, when it’s not convenient to navigate, they won’t use it.

By Staff March 30, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON Bfast – (Burlington for Accessible Affordable Transit) will be holding its second annual Forum on the state of […]

CogecoTV to Broadcast the OJHL South-West Conference Final Live from Burlington and Georgetown

By Staff March 30, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON CogecoTV has announced they will be broadcasting the Ontario Junior Hockey League (OJHL) South-West Conference Final live in […]

Province says Halton water is safe; gets 100% on all tests - no need to filter the water from taps.

By Staff March 30, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON The Drinking Water Systems Flow Summary Report for 2015 that Regional Council was given earlier this month said […]

Transit advocacy group to issue report cards on the quality of bus service - will anything get a B? A's are not likely to be handed out.

By Pepper Parr March 28, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON The difference this year is that the transit people will be at the Burlington for Accessible, Sustainable […]

We missed that one - restaurant we referred to as great bit the dust. Pity.

By Staff March 28, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON We goofed. A number of people wrote to tell us that both Test Kitchen locations have been closed […]

Downtown business association dips into its reserves two years in a row - is there trouble at the executive level?

By Pepper Parr March 28, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON A number of people write to tell us that both Test Kitchen locations have been closed for […]

Parking Standards to get a review - first time in 30 years - we need to do the homework, think hard about the problems and the solutions.

By Pepper Parr March 28, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON The city is bedeviled with what to do about parking – there are those who feel a […]

Man driving a car without the permission of the owner plugs up the 407 for a bit - waiting for a bail hearing.

By Staff March 27, 2016 BURLINGTON, ON If you were on or wanted to get onto the 407 Hamilton bound from Burlington Sunday afternoon police […]