Clarkdale PS a finalist in the contest to name the newest recruit to the Regional Police K9 unit- they want the dog to be called Marshall

By Staff June 10, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON A Burlington elementary school is one of three finalists in the contest to name the newest recruit into […]

Transit line 4 and line 10 have detours on Sunday the 14th - Sound of Music parade needs the streets.

By Staff June 10, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON On Sunday, June 14, 2015 from 12:30 – 3 p.m. during the SOUND OF MUSIC PARADE, the following […]

Board of education does a quickie and approves spending for both capital ($62.6 million) and operating ($685.7) spending in minutes - also says it will be going along with the new sex ed curriculum .

By Walter Byj June 9, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON There were not many items on the June 3rd agenda, but two of them had the potential […]

Rainfall closes down a number of ball diamonds and playing fields for the day.

By Pepper Parr June 9, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON There was more rain than anyone expected. The Conservation Authority sent out water level warnings for the […]

Elder abuse - it happens in our community - how do we deal with it?

By Staff June 9, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON We know it happens and we are surprised when it happens in families we knew. Nearly one in […]

Public gets a birds eye view of what might take place in terms of development in the downtown core - they now get a chance to make some recommendations.

By Parr June 9, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON The objective was to put the citizens, developers and the planners all in the same room and see […]

Takes place in two cities - Burlington is one of them; happens on three different days.

By Staff June 8, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON It takes place in two cities – Burlington is one of them, The site covers several thousand acres […]

All terrain vehicles will be able to use the shoulders of public roads starting July 1st.

By Staff June 8, 2105 BURLINGTON, ON ATV’s will join Mennonite buggy;s on public roads July 1st. You are going to be able to take […]

Diamonds and grass playing fields are closed due to the excessive rain.

By Staff June 8, 2105 BURLINGTON, ON All diamonds and grass playing fields are closed for the balance of Monday June 8, 2015: All Diamonds […]

Opera during the Sound of Music - great talent will be in town at Knox Presbyterian Church - not to be missed .

By Don Graves June 8, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON Opera and the Sound of Music? It’s going to happen – not out in Spencer Smith Park […]

Conservatives in new Oakville Burlington North federal riding choose Effie Triantafilipoulos over Blair Lancaster

By Pepper Parr June 8, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON Ward 6 will continue to have Blair Lancaster representing them for the next couple of years – […]

Outside workers about to settle with the city; transit and firefighters have some arm wrestling to do yet.

By Staff June 8, 2105 BURLINGTON, ON The city has a memorandum of settlement with the outside workers. A conciliator worked with the city and […]

Art Gallery auction described as an unqualified success - amount raised to be revealed later in the week.

By Guida Feliz June 8, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON If you had a ticket to this Live Auction – you were at the right place; the […]

Regional police officers now carrying Tasers - little public discussion on the need and nothing in the way of notice.

By Pepper Parr June 7, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON The use of Tasers by police forces across Canada has been an issue for many – whacking […]

Regional police just bursting with pride - will show their SUV in the Toronto Pride Parade.

By Pepper Parr June 6, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON Just two weeks away from PRIDE week in Toronto, the Halton Regional Police are jumping the gun […]

Citizen spots man with knife in his waistband - calls police - arrest made; not the first arrest for this man.

By Staff June 5, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON On Thursday June 4th 2015 at about 8:00 PM, a citizen observed a male concealing a knife in […]

Peter MacKay - a politician of many titles but little achievement, takes the million dollar pension and goes looking for a job.

By Ray Rivers June 5, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON Andrew Coyne sums up Peter MacKay pretty well – “a politician of many titles but little achievement.” […]

City purchases five acres near Snake Point and adds it to Cootes to Escarpment EcoPark system

By Staff June 6, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON Wildlife in Aldershot have more protected land to call home thanks to the City of Burlington which purchased […]

56 car/cyclist collisions in an 18 month period - police will be watching for poor driving and cycling habits.

By Staff June 4, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON It’s bicycle season! Children and adults alike are out enjoying the Spring and Summer weather and the hard-core […]

Play bill with times for the city's newest film theatre are announced - prices are certainly right.

By Staff June 4, 2015 BURLINGTON, ON The play bill for the first week of operation for the new CineStarz theatre on Brant Street has […]