New Director of programs at the BAC; cultural master plan delivery moved back to September.

By Staff Burlington, ON. May 29, 2013. The Burlington Art Centre announces the appointment of Denis Longchamps as Director of Programs. Longchamps replaces George […]

Air Park owner builds landfill hills – creates a valley around the home of an Appleby Line resident. It’s apparently legal.

    By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. May 29, 2013. Barbara Sheldon knows the damn thing is there – she just doesn’t understand how someone […]

Did Toronto Elect Tony Soprano? I can tell you how this story is going to end – and it ain’t pretty.

By Ray Rivers. BURLINGTON, ON. May 29, 2013. The Sopranos, a cable TV series about your average mafia boss, living and killing in New […]

Just days left to get a rain barrel and after this morning’s downpour you know why you want one.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON. May 28, 2013. The Region has a program that gets you a quality rain barrel with all the fittings for […]

Fairview to become stop and go – at night while the Region paves the road.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON. May 29, 2013. Starting the week of June 3, 2013, Halton Region will begin final asphalt paving on Fairview Street […]

Development of the Bridgewater project on the lakeshore seems to be moving too slowly.

    By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. May 28, 2013. It’s never wise to neglect what the old timers think. Yesterday afternoon Ward 3 Councillor […]

Street address of Burlington police station on to be re-named to commemorate former Constable Bill Henshaw.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON. May 27. 2013 South Hampton Blvd, a city street that runs west off Walker’s Line and has just the one […]

Prepare for a parade with the BTTB, fireworks and balloons – and try and figure out what the lawyers are up to – our pier.

    By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. May 27, 2013 The left hand isn’t exactly talking to the right hand – but they know what […]

Two ceremonies: one advancing a cause, the other heard Dvorak’s “Going Home”. Jane Irwin became part of the community memory.

    By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. May 26, 2013. It was a sod turning that didn’t see as much as a blade of grass […]

More trees for the Beachway while the politicians print reports on paper – which comes from trees

    By Staff BURLINGTON, ON. May 25, 2013. If you missed the opportunity to plant trees during the city’s Cleanup/GreenUp a few weeks ago […]

Residents in St. Luke’s precinct don’t like the look of what a developer wants to do to them.

    By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. May 25, 2013. If Maurice Desrochers is to ever get the development he has planned for Caroline Street […]

Abolish the Senate – send them all packing.

  By Ray Rivers. BURLINGTON, ON. May 22, 2013. Four Senators and the Prime Minister’s chief of staff either out of a job or wondering […]

Less weed for the locals as a result of police raid. Someone will fill the gap – it’s all about supply and demand.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON. May 23, 2013. They grow this stuff because people buy this stuff. Who is doing the buying? Early this morning […]

The last salute to a true citizen. Memorial event for Jane Irwin at Performing Arts Centre

    By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. May 22, 2013. Thursday afternoon will be a bitter-sweet occasion for many in this city. Friends will gather […]

Burlington a “banana republic”? At least one well informed citizen suggests that’s what he saw at a Committee of Adjustment meeting.

    By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. May 22, 2013. The surprise wasn’t that Jack Dennison, Councillor for Ward 4, lost his application for a […]

Are we talking four and 0 here? Didn’t Leafs do something like that? This is Burlington, we don’t do things like that here.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON May 23, 2013. The Burlington Bandits coming off three straight losses, traveled to Toronto for an afternoon showdown with the […]

Housing in the Beachway Park: a comprehensive Regional report appears to have made this THE issue. Is it?

    By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON May 23, 2013 The beach to the west on the west side of the city, up tight against […]

Buck passing at its very best – while trucks continue to roll into the Air Park site dumping landfill without a permit.

    By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. May 23, 2013. Here is the kind of thing that drives people crazy. The residents of Appleby Line […]

Market gets a weather break; becomes what it was intended to be: a place to buy local produce and chat with neighbours.

    By Walter Byj BURLINGTON, ON May 20, 2013. The official opening was a bust – snow in May – but the second Sunday […]

Heartless criminals taking advantage of people who honestly bought a lottery ticket. Be cautious.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON. May 17, 2013. I’ve got one – it was given to me as a gift and every couple of […]