Region offers residents opportunity to become MVP’s – not what you think it is – but it won’t hurt you.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON May 14, 2012 An MVP – usually means Most Valuable Player but the Regional government has given it a bit […]

Mayor takes a vacation – expects to return rested and inspired. Will be reading The Spark, the Flame, and the Torch; heavy stuff.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON May 13, 2012 The Mayor is on vacation so don’t expect to see him cutting a ribbon somewhere or meeting […]

Environmentalists gather in Hamilton to talk up the mess the Great Lakes are in; Hamilton as good a place as any to begin the clean-up.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON May 13, 2012 They could have and perhaps should have held the event in Burlington but instead they are holding […]

The murder trial of their daughter ready to go to a jury; Tori’s Mother and Father struggle to cope. They succeed.

Part 8 This series is a first person account, told by a parent who has lived through the fear and pain that rocked Woodstock when […]

They haven`t walked off the earth but they are going to be on the OLG stage – June 17th 3:45 pm. We told you that two weeks ago didn’t we?

By Pepper Parr You heard it here first – Walk off the Earth will appear on the OLG stage June 17th at 3:45 pm. That’s […]

Chivalry will be on display at city council with two knights now at the horse shoe.

By Pepper Parr On Sunday “The Queen” will create two new Knights of the Realm and we will see Sir Paul of Sherwood and Sir […]

The cyber crooks never stop; they are relentless. The best defence you have is to be vigilant.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON May 12, 2012 The email said I had recently changed my Facebook password. I didn’t change that password and the […]

Guilty, guilty, guilty – he will rot in that prison. Tori Stafford’s murderer to be formally sentenced next week.

Part 9 This series is a first person account, told by a parent who has lived through the fear and pain that rocked Woodstock when […]

Suspects arrested. Now for the trial. We expected it to be a simple case of convicting – little did we know.

Part 7 This series is a first person account, told by a parent who has lived through the fear and pain that rocked Woodstock when […]

Six community leaders recognized at awards ceremony. Wendy Hager named citizen of the year.

From the left: Michelle Bennett Environment, Sam Kawazoye Community Service, Trevor Copp Arts , Mayor Goldring, Wendy Hager, Citizen of the Year, Dan Taylor […]

Freeman Station comes to a stop to take on fuel and load up with some cash. An oil change is in the works as well.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON May 9, 2012 The Friends of Freeman Station (FoFS) appear to have gotten at least a two base hit with […]

JBMH wants the money but they don’t seem to want to say how they will spend it. They will want a quick site plan approval.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON May 8, 2012 There was a line from the film Cool Hand Luke, that starred the late Paul Newman, where […]

Community group formed to ensure transit does not get overlooked during Official Plan review.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON May 9, 2012 If the team overseeing the review of the city’s Official Plan thought they were going to be […]

We didn’t know it at the time but there was a break developing in the case. The police had a suspect.

This series is a first person account, told by a parent who has lived through the fear and pain that rocked Woodstock when an eight […]

Resident asks council if they want to be remembered as the ones who created a high-rise jungle in downtown Burlington?

Stephen Chen is a retiree who has lived in Burlington for many years. He delegated to the Special Session of City Council that is the […]

Conservation authority issues creek flooding warning – seasonal rains have the potential to make creeks dangerous.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON –May 7, 2012. Conservation Halton advised this afternoon that the weather office is predicting a surface low to enter our region […]

Vegetable gardens, a surprise guest + a science teacher to remind them where they got their start; a Saturday morning in Burlington.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON May 7, 2012 It’s the kind of thing that could probably only happen in Burlington. Scott Stewart, the toughest guy […]

You heard it here first – they will be on the stage at Sound of Music. Who? Walk off the Earth of course.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON May 7, 2012 The BIG question come Friday afternoon when the Sound of Music Festival people announce the line-up for […]

Community begins to question how police are handling the search. Why no amber alert? OPP take over the case.

Part 5 This series is a first person account, told by a parent who has lived through the fear and pain that rocked Woodstock when […]

That Spring that came and left – it’s back & much of Burlington was out enjoying the weather. Boats in the water, girls selling lemonade.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON May 5, 2012 What did you do on the Saturday part of the weekend? For once the weather channel got […]