Three lads from Burlington do a sterling performance of a complex Harold Pinter play. Expect to see more from Mischa Aravena

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, on July 30, 2012 Every parent watches anxiously as their children step out onto the stage they will live their lives […]

Burlington athlete advances to Olympic semi-finals in back stroke. Sinead Russell shows her stuff

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON July 29, 2012 Burlington has three native citizens in the 2012 Olympics.. Burlington’s Sinead Russell comes out of her start in […]

Burlington man struck by westbound freight train in the Plains Road – Brant part of the city.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON July 29, 2012 Early, early Saturday morning, the 28th – A Burlington man was struck by a freight train on the […]

Has the Mayor moved into election campaign mode ? It’s a little early isn’t it? – but we don`t set the political agenda.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON July 27, 2012 Municipal elections have fixed dates in Ontario and the tradition has been to get out on the […]

Halton ranked safest regional municipality in Canada with a population of over 100,000

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON July 27, 2012 Based on federal government statistics, the Region of Halton is the safest place to be in all […]

Take part in an environmental research project: where are the Chimney Swifts? – great summer project for the kids.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON July 27, 2012 Would you like to be a small part of a scientific survey that will help determine why […]

Here`s an opportunity to put an end to some yakety yak the city puts out three times a year. Save $50,000 at the same time.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON July 26, 2012 City Hall wants to know what you think about City Talk, the publication they produce three times […]

History takes another hit when vandals desecrate St. Luke’s Anglican Church Cemetery.

Redcoats salute a fallen soldier buried at St. Luke’s Anglican Church Cemetery as part of the War of 1812 celebrations. By Staff BURLINGTON, ON July […]

Up half the night to tell taxpayers what is painfully obvious – no steel girders on the pier construction site yet.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON July 26, 2012 Nothing yet – unless learning that a `tele-handler is on the site. That’s it? A tele-handler is […]

Your summer cukes“ and tomatoes could get the “treatment” from an organic cook.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON July 26, 2012 Have you got baskets of fresh produce on your kitchen counter because their was a produce stand on […]

Spaces available for city summer camps during August; five locations. Register through city hall web site.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON July 25, 2012 If you haven`t figured out what you want to do with the little ones during August the city […]

Burlington high school gets $1000 reward for best Eco-Club. Burlington Mall donates the reward. Aldershot Transit Ambassadors get gift cards.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON July 25, 2012 Aldershot High School took the cash – $1000 donated by Burlington Mall, which was the prize for […]

Health Club takes a hit; bandit takes cash; police nab bandit. Bandit will get a change of address.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON July 25, 2012 It didn’t take long for the Halton Regional Police to make an arrest in the July 22nd break-in […]

Farmer’s Market: List of vendors grows; some products sell out very quickly. Preserves and espresso coffee will be available.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON June 25, 2012 Well the price of cherries went through the roof and the peaches aren’t exactly being given away […]

Pint sized swimmer with courage galore and a mission to boot, plans to swim Lake Ontario & land at Spencer Smith Park August 18.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON July 23, 2012 The first thing that occurs to you when you see Michele Benoit is her size – she’s […]

IKEA is going to be in Aldershot for quite a bit longer than they had planned. There is trouble with the North Service Rd. location.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON July 23, 2012 It came up on the agenda as an employment lands issue but it really is a significant […]

Eyes on the street in a Burlington community results in three arrests for trafficking in marijuana.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON July 23, 2012 They call it eyes on the street; people keeping their eyes open and taking note of things that […]

We took a pass on a casino but agreed to spend $100,000 on lawyers to protect our interest on Burlington Hydro.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON July 19, 2012 We never really were heavy hitters. We aren’t a slick, fast community. Pretty sensible people who prefer […]

“We’re in the money” – federal government showers yet another grant on the Burlington museums.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON July 14, 2012 The Joseph Brant Museum, announces it has received a $32,500 federal government grant to put together an […]

Plan B begins to use part of their 15 minutes of fame. Attendance creeps up week by week. Try it.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON July 19, 2012 When the magazines begin writing about you – you are on your way to your 15 minutes […]