Procedural by law up for review - Clerk's Office doing a survey

By Pepper Parr June 22, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON   For those who have concerns over the way the current council manages itself – this is […]

Federal Cabinet shuffle expected: will Karina Gould get a promotion ?

By Pepper Parr June 22nd, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON   The House of Commons has recessed until September 18th when they will resume sitting at […]

Second meeting of homeowners and commercial people on properties that could be included in Heritage clusters - noisier than the first

By Pepper Parr June 22, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON   The second meeting with home owners in the proposed Heritage Culture Districts (HCD) the city appears […]

Blake Hurley new Executive Director of Legal Services & Corporate Counsel

By Pepper Parr June 21st, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON   Blake Hurley has been appointed as the Executive Director of Legal Services & Corporate Counsel for […]

Communications department mandate is to foster, promote and deliver on Community Engagement.

By Pepper Parr June 21st, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON   Kwab Ako-Adjei: Director of Corporate Communications and Engagement How does one explain this ? Newsletters get […]

Provincial statutes get different treatment in Burlington and Hamilton - not a good sign

By Pepper Parr June 21st, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON   The Ontario municipal election campaign donations appear to be treated one way in Burlington and another […]

Federal By-elections - No Tea Leaves Here

  By Ray Rivers June 21st, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON   On Monday four federal by-elections were held and the results were much as anyone might […]

Does the city need Heritage Culture Districts ?

By Pepper Parr June 20th, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON   There was an interesting comment made by a woman who attended the first of two community […]

First of the community consultations didn't go all that well

By Pepper Parr June 20th, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON   Heather Fenton wasn’t impressed. After a meeting that lasted an hour and a half, Fenton, along […]

Will the current or any future Mayor of the city actually use the Strong Mayor powers ?

By Pepper Parr June 20th, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON   Come Canada Day the Mayor of Burlington will have what are called Strong Mayor Powers. Just […]

Joyce Family Foundation contributes to YMCA program for the 14th year

By Staff June 19th, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON   The Joyce Family Foundation has provided continuous support of YMCA Beyond the Bell™ for the past 14 […]

An airlineline named Play will make its inaugural flight into Hamilton later today.

By Pepper Parr June 19th, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON   The passenger airline industry has a unique way of welcoming a new airline to a destination. […]

Where is Council going on the Heritage file - where should they be going ?

By Pepper Parr June 18th, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON Heritage homes have been an issue in Burlington for at least two decades. The Real Estate industry […]

Intimate Partner Violence: Ending the epidemic can start with men saying to men: You cannot do that

By Pepper Parr June 18th, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON OPINION Jeff Hill is a Deputy Chief with the Halton Regional Police Service. Jeff Hill: Deputy Chief […]

Kiera's Law - changed the way Judges are expected to handle Intimate Partner Violence cases

Canada’s senate has passed a bill aimed at educating judges about the dangers of domestic violence and coercive control. ‘Keira’s Law,’ Bill C-233, was introduced […]

Lessons from a Rural Inquest:  Renfrew County

By Staff June 16th, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON A decisions that came out of an Inquest that took place in Renfrew County in September 22, […]

Intimate partner violence has killed 22 women in the last 40 years in the Halton Region

By Pepper Parr June 16th, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON This is a story about delegations that were made at city council recently. It was about an […]

The rights of a resident: NEC, City Hall and the ward Councillor don't seem to be able to resolve

By Pepper Parr June 17th, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON   Residents have rights, at least that’s what Mohammed Kamal, a resident of Bluff’s Way in ward […]

Content generated by Artificial Intelligence will never appear in the Gazette

By Pepper Parr June 16th, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON The Globe and Mail recently put out a statement on the use of artificial-intelligence (AI) tools such […]

What do people want in City-run recreation programs

By Staff June 16th, 2023 BURLINGTON, ON   The City of Burlington is looking for resident feedback on City-run recreation programs. Feedback is welcome from […]