Parking exemptions until the end of August.

By Staff

July 21st, 2024



The City is helping flooded homeowners by lifting the timed parking restrictions for parking on residential streets until Aug. 31, 2024 across the city. This means you can park overnight or for longer than five hours on your street. You do no need to apply for a parking exemption during this time. Signed restrictions on residential streets still apply.

Please follow all other parking regulations for safety and fire routes. Parking offences, not related to time will still be enforced and you could receive a ticket or be towed if parked illegally.

Need enforcement? Email during business hours or call Halton Regional Police Non-Emergency Communications at 905-825-4777 on evenings and weekends. Ask for parking enforcement and a dispatcher will send a Parking Officer to the location.

Parking exemptions do not apply in the downtown area, the Waterfront, Beachway Park or Lowville Park. Please check for reservation and paid parking times in these areas. Make sure you park in a legal, designated parking spot and obey all parking rules and bylaws. Otherwise, you will be ticketed or towed.

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1 comment to Parking exemptions until the end of August.

  • Penny

    Well I guess that the residents whose homes were flooded will be able to live/sleep in their vehicles with no parking tickets. They have to make certain of course that they park “in a legal designated parking spot and obey all parking rules and bylaws”.