Part of the 2024 news story - it wasn't all bad

By Pepper Parr

December 31st, 2024



We are on our way out of a tough year.

What were the top stories for 2024?

In no particular order:

The Ontario Land Tribunal said no to the development on the site of the Waterfront Hotel

The OLT decision to not approve the plans for the Waterfront Hotel site.

Pulling Sound of Music from a near-death experience – and chuckling at the comment David Shepherd made when he said he would like to see the debt “go away”.

Wondering what was really behind the quick as a wink resignation submitted by the then Executive Director of the Performing Arts Centre.  They’ve yet to find a replacement.

Then there was the practice of using a number that isn’t defined to convince taxpayers that they are getting a decent deal.

Nisan and Galbraith seemed to have forgotten who they were working for.

Best performance of the year had to be “the sky’s the limit” dance put on by Councillors Nisan and Galbraith who seem to have forgotten who they were working for.  Link to that story – click HERE

Then there was the “dismissal” of two senior staff members.  The Gazette was alerted to their being shown the door by a tip that came in from someone calling from a phone booth.

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